
A person's a person no matter how small.

Dr. Seuss

Welcome to 2023!!

Book Club

Scholastic book club catalogues are coming home this week. The catalogues have a fresh new look this year and are fully recyclable.

 Don't forget to update your childs class in LOOP before ordering. Just a reminder we do not accept cash, all orders are to go through the LOOP app. If you need help just pop into the library any day from 2:30-3:30 or email me on


All new parents you will need to get the LOOP App and follow the instructions pictured

Library Bags

Please remember we ask for students to have a library bag to bring home books, this can be as simple as a recycable shopping bag. This will then protect our school books from lunchbox explosions or a water bottle leakage. If you have a spare library bag that was loaned out last year can you please return it back to the school.



This years CBCA (The Childrens Book Council of Australia) theme is 

Read Grow Inspire. 

What an amazing theme to have this year!!!


Every year Mike Lucas pens a poem for the theme I have attached a copy of this years poem which is lovely to read.


Happy Reading 

Nicole Donnelly