Chaplain Chat

New year, new name!

Happy 2023!


I hope that your holidays were fun and relaxing and that you feel ready for whatever this year is going to bring. I know some people are bursting with excitement, whereas others are drowning in fear. It's all okay! Take it one moment at a time and "just keep swimming" 


This year my title has changed from Chaplain to Student Wellbeing Officer. This title simply clarifies better what I do: support your children with their wellbeing. This is not in place of professional help, but in addition to it. So if your child struggles with stress, anxiety, anger issues, grief, insecurity, or anything else that may impact their wellbeing, they can come and chat to me! This is only after your consent and in collaboration with their classroom teacher to not interfere with their learning. 


If this is something you would like for your child, please contact the school and we can go from there! 


For those of you who have already given permission or requested for me to see their children, you are still on my radar. Feel free to contact me if you believe your child needs a chat sooner rather than later. My email is


Something else we want to start up again soon is breakfast club! We would love to have some parent helpers for this. It's from about 8:15 to 9am on Wednesday mornings. You don't have to come each week, but if you are able to even come help out once a term that helps us out a lot! Please send me an email if you are available. Tasks include cutting, toasting, buttering and serving bread, so it's not at all difficult! 


Kind regards,

Ms. Alice Romijn

Student Wellbeing Officer