School News 


What a fantastic first week of school our Prep students have had. We are so very proud of the enthusiasm and bravery they have shown in their approach to school life. We have spent the week learning all about the rituals and routines of the classroom. All students are now very accustomed to unpacking their bags independently and starting the day in a calm manner. We are building our letter knowledge in preparation for our first word of the week next week, which is 'cat'. We are learning all about numbers to 10 and how to communicate an idea in writing. We are also very excited to be starting our science lessons next week! We will be learning all about living and non-living things. 

The Preps will attend their very first school assembly on Monday afternoon! It is always lovely to have them formally welcomed into our school by the rest of the student body. 

We would like to congratulate all our Prep students on a wonderful start to school!

We hope everyone enjoys a very well-deserved rest over the weekend! 

Mrs. Creed, Mrs. Harrison, Ms. Newton & Mrs. Munnecke