Principal Report

Dear families,


I hope you had an amazing summer, and enjoyed the time with loved ones and friends. It wasn't that long ago that being together at Christmas was a luxury. As I write this today it feels like we are quickly back into Winter, someone please bring back the sun!


It has been great to see so many students in their new uniforms, on-time and excited about learning. It brings us all joy to see our new preps join us, and our other children progress through school. Year 6 leaders who were once prep students themselves stepped into their leadership roles from day one. 


It is not OK to be away!

A big goal this year is to have our students in school as often as possible. We only want them to be absent from school when they are unwell. 

Please use Compass if they are away to mark the reason or contact your class teacher. An SMS will be sent at 10:00 am when children are away without reason from Monday.

When your child is away without a reason your class teacher will follow up. 


For most families and their children, the year runs smoothly. We know sometimes things come up. If you have a concern the most important person to contact is your class teacher. They will then provide support or reach out for additional support.


New Staff

A warm welcome to all of our new staff, some familiar to us from last year and some returning from leave.


Sam Younes 2BY

Sarah Jones 34J

Megan Pepprell 56P 

Millie Pinney 56M

Sally Newton PNM

Emma Wright 2EW

Louise Spiers Education Support

Sue Williamson Education Support

Bec Blackwood Education Support

Ashleigh Wilson Specialist Global Studies 

Susy Sutton Office Team

Alex Coxhill Tutor

Katelyn Connolly Tutor 

Kym Taylor Tutor


Leadership Roles 2023

Looking beyond your class teacher as the person you communicate with for all concerns, we have people in roles there to support them. 


Principal - Craig Bradley

Assistant Principal - Emily Murcott

Business Manager / HR - Jenine Farley

Leading Teacher - Sam Younes

Acting Learning Specialist _ Kate Warner

Acting Learning Specialist - Elyce Munnecke 


Learning Community Leaders 

Prep - Allie Harrison

Garde 12 - Llinos Poole

Grade 34 - Carolyn Allan

Grade 56 - Damien Smith

Specialist Team - Mel Layton


As well as those listed, we have many other staff taking on responsibilities across the school. I would like to share my gratitude to them all for the work they are undertaking each day. 


Focus for 2023

The school priorities as outlined in the School Strategic and Annual Implementation Plan this year include: 

Learning – - Support both those who need scaffolding and those who have thrived to continue to extend their learning, especially in numeracy;

Wellbeing – Effectively mobilising available resources to support students' well-being and mental health.

Key strategies that will be used to support the attainment of the goals will include: 

• Continued development of differentiation within our curriculum, especially Literacy and Numeracy

• Continuation of Spotlight, tutoring and support and inclusive practices school wide

• Focus on development and accessing students Individual Education Plans 

• Regular celebration of student achievement


School Timetable

We often talk about building resilience in children, then when we make changes, they show us that they can take things in their stride with ease. The changes to the school day have been easy for them to adjust and adapt to. 


For adults (including me) still getting their heads around things, here are the key points.


The day starts at 8:50 am (with a reminder bell just before at 8:48 am) and ends at 3:30 pm.

Morning tea is at 10:50 am. Students are still working out that they just need a snack and not a 3-course meal.

Lunch is at 12:20 pm to 12:30 pm, with a play from 12:30 pm to 1.00 pm. 

Play two is in the afternoon from 2:00 pm to 2:30 pm. 

This is a reminder that terms 1 and 4 are terms we need to wear a hat to play. No hat, no play. 


Specialist lessons are on the same days each week, with the final hour back with their class teacher. 

Monday - No specialist 

Tuesday - Grade 12

Wednesday - Grade Prep

Thursday - Grade 56

Friday - Grade 34 


Office Administration Team

Monday to Friday - Jenine Farley - Business Manager 

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday - Melissa Schilte

Wednesday, Friday - Wendy Schilling

Thursday - Susy Sutton 


As part of getting ready for school, we ask for yearly permissions. This year we have tried to cut down on paper by using Compass. You will see events when you login. Please click on the events and add your permission or decline. The acceptable use agreement should be in partnership with your child. We will be covering the agreement in class. 



Rolling Hill's Primary School collects, uses, discloses and stores student and parent personal information for standard school functions or where permitted by law, as stated in the School’s Privacy Policy. 


Information Sessions

Next week we will be running Information Sessions for parents at school. Things do change when you move through school each year. They are worth attending.


Tuesday 7th February - Prep (Boorai) and Grade 56 (Library) - 6:00-6:30 pm

Thursday 9th February - Grade 12 (Boorai) and Grade 34 (Library) - 6:00-6:30 pm


On each night I will offer a short Cyber Safe Parent Information Session for Grade 34 and 56 parents in the library at 6:45 pm. Parents from Prep and Grade 12 are welcome to come along. 


URStrong @ Eastlands

As a school we promote Friendology with our students. We have access to a special session with Dana Kerford (main educator) from Freindology. 

This will be Eastlands on Thursday 23rd February. Families, including children, are welcome on the night. Book a free ticket at the link below. 


Child Safe Standards Legislation

Child Safe Standards Legislation introduced by the Victorian Government which took effect from January 2017 ensures organisations that deal with children have appropriate and consistent measures in place to prevent and respond to allegations of child abuse. The Child Safe Standards are compulsory minimum standards for all organisations that provide services to children including Victorian schools. The aim of the Standards is to ensure organisations are well prepared to protect children from abuse and neglect. Relevant resources for parents and students can be found at: or by contacting the school office. 


Victoria-wide single-use plastics ban – from 1 February 2023 

Single-use plastics make up a third of the litter in our environment and are difficult and costly to clean up. They pollute the environment, harming wildlife and contaminating our food and water. They are also a poor use of resources – they are often used for only a few minutes and generate significant waste that is not recyclable. They can often easily be replaced with reusable products. Under new regulations, from 1 February 2023, Victorian businesses and organisations (including schools) will not be able to sell, supply or provide a number of single-use plastic items. The ban applies to the following single-use plastic items made from conventional, degradable or compostable plastics: 

• Drinking straws 

• Cutlery including knives, forks, spoons, chopsticks, sporks, splades, food picks and sporks 

• Plates 

• Drink stirrers and sticks 

• Cotton bud sticks 

The ban also applies to: 

• Foodservice items and drink containers made from expanded polystyrene. This includes expanded polystyrene plates, cups, bowls, clam shells and any cover or lid that is also made from expanded polystyrene.


Traffic Plan

It is that time of year when we need a quick refresher of what our drop times and traffic management plans are in the ring lane so we can keep our students safe. 


Rolling Hills has ‘Kiss & Drop’ zones in our front and rear carparks. These operate between 8.30 am to 9 am. There is NO PARKING in the ring roads during these times. Parking is ONLY permitted in the front ring road between 9am - 3:15 pm . There is NO parking permitted in the back staff carpark at any time unless you have a disabled badge. 


Drop off at the front or rear entrances, off Landscape Drive or Cheriton Drive:

Enter via the top gate and drive forward to the furthest drop-off point, marked below with a yellow line. Students must alight from the passenger side of the vehicle and the driver must remain in the car. If your child requires assistance to get themselves or their bag out of the car, please find an alternative place to park your vehicle outside the school grounds. To operate efficiently, the ring road traffic flow should remain orderly and continuous.

Please also be mindful of our neighbours. Please do not park close to, or over their driveways. Please park in surrounding streets safely and as you would at home.


A lot of responsibility to take on for us all. I appreciate you taking the time to read this newsletter.


