Parent & Friends Committee

Hello super RHPS families,

Read all about what is happening below!

Cheers & Tears...

On the very first morning of school, Mr Bradley and the P&F hosted 'Cheers & Tears' for new prep parents. Champagne breakfast is the best way to begin the school year isn't it!  It was  lovely to see so many families joining us for some bubbles, a chat and a laugh.

We welcome all the new families to our wonderful school! 

2023 P&F Committee...

This year the P&F Committee is made up of: Jacinta Parolo (President), Chelsie Clinton (Vice President), Katie Sund (Secretary), Kelly White (Treasurer), Jeannine Derum, Tara Hickman, Meagan Van den helm, Kerrin Shannon,  Leigh Marriott and Tanya Windscheffel. These lovely people give up their time to help organise events throughout the year. Please make sure to give them a wave or say thank you if you see them in passing around our school.  It's never too late to join the committee, so please just reach out if you are interested or come along to one of our meetings. 

2023 Fundraising Goals...

Last year we raised over $22,000! This money will go towards helping Mr Bradley pay for all the  grounds improvement projects that you see around our school. This year, we will continue to raise money for this cause. Including new  shade covers, turf, the running track and more! We will keep you updated as new improvements pop up too.  We would love your support with our fundraising and events throughout the year. We are very thankful for our amazing, supportive community at RHPS. 

Colour Run...

Yes that's right, the Colour run is back! It will be held on Wednesday 8th March. Information will be coming home and will posted on compass very soon. 

Keep your eyes out!

The community is invited...

On Tuesday 7th February the P&F are hosting Happy Hour from 6.30pm - 7.30pm in the staffroom.  At Happy Hour we have some nibbles and drinks and it's a great time to relax and socialise with other school parents.  The February meeting will follow directly after this, and should be nice and short!    We would love for anyone to come along! We are aware that some of the information sessions are being held on the same night, but that's ok, why not pop on down to the staffroom once it's finished? 

How to contact the P&F committee? 

You can contact the office who will put you in contact with Jacinta. 

You can email the P&F directly at: pf.rhps.3138@gmail.com

There is Committee information and membership forms available at the office also. 


Lovely to be back!

Chat soon,

The P&F team :)