
Emily Murcott 

Wellbeing Literacy Leader

Acting Assistant Principal


Throughout this year our levels will have a specific term focus that will be intertwined into the classroom learning. This term the whole school is focusing on RESPONSILITY. I hear you asking, "Why responsibility?" Well, it is one of our 4 school Values. 



In Prep all students will be introduced to Friendology. Friendology will develop your child's understanding of what friendships are, how they can have different friendships with different people, develop some strategies to put into place when friendships get challenging and gain an understanding of the Friend-O-Cycle and the Friend-O-Meter.  Friendology was created by URSTRONG. 


URSTRONG’s whole-school friendship strategy has improved the social climate in schools around the world, connecting over a million kids, parents, and teachers with a common language of friendship. We are proud to be a URSTRONG School and are committed to empowering your children with friendship skills.


You are invited to take advantage of a FREE Parent Membership to access hundreds of resources – including an 8 session video series. This will allow you to learn the same language & strategies being taught in the classroom through the Friendology 101 curriculum. We hope that, as a URSTRONG Family, you will reinforce the important messages of empowerment, self-compassion, & kindness at home.


As a next step, we would recommend: 

  • Click here to view an overview of URSTRONG.
  • Activate your FREE Parent Membership and explore all the resources available to your family.
  • Explore the hundreds of resources available to you!

We believe that empowering our students with these skills will create a culture of kindness at our school and we hope that, together, we can support your children to have healthy, feel-good friendships.


Grade 1/2

Grade 1/2 all students will also be focusing on  Friendology. They have already been introduced to the information and strategies. We will be taking time throughout term 1 and 2 to reintroduce students to these skills by being explicitly taught these skills through hands on activities. 


As a parent, if you would like to know more, please read the Prep section above which shares links to a FREE Parent Membership to develop your understanding about the strategies your child will be taught.


Grade 3 - 6 

Students will be developing their understanding of the word responsibility, and putting responsibility into action throughout this term. Throughout inquiry based sessions, they will develop presentation skills and be able to have choice on an action of responsibility that they will present at the end of the term.  


Friendology Information Session 

All families are invited to join the founder of URSTRONG, Dana develop a common “language” for talking about friendships. Through interactive parent-child activities, parents will learn strategies to support your child in fostering healthy, feel-good friendships. Please see the link to the flyer below.


Each newsletter I like to share with the community some acts of kindness that I have seen or heard about. This week I'd like to highlight 1 family and 1 student. Read below to find out some acts of kindness that have been occurring recently:


The Derum Family kindly donated 4 laptop bags to the school to offer to families to keep their new laptops safe when being used offsite. Thanks Derum family!


Hunter in PNM showed empathy, compassion and kindness to a peer when she was upset as her parent had not quite arrived to pick her up. He said things like, "It's ok, your dad will be here very soon. He loves you." It was just beautiful. Well done and thankyou Hunter!


If you see anyone being kind to someone please let me know by emailing me at emily.murcott@education.vic.gov.au