Primary News

Melanie Sluyters

The art of celebration has been a focus throughout the past week as we have gathered on numerous occasions to celebrate our Year 10 students finishing their studies at Mount Carmel College, and our Year 6 students farewelling their Primary years.  All these celebrations have seen laughter, tears, a sense of gratefulness and a connection to the College that runs deep.  


As the term, and the year rapidly comes to an end, this idea of celebration continues to reverberate through our hallways as we celebrate our award recipients in Year 5 and 6 next week, as we celebrate the achievements with the release of reports or a quieter celebration, as we sit with our classes for one last time.


A different sort of celebration was witnessed on Tuesday evening, a celebration that allowed our Kinder - Year 3 community to stop and remind one another, and those in the audience about ‘The Story of Christmas’ - we gathered as a Primary community to celebrate ‘The Nativity’.  With thoughtful and reverent delivery, and pure joy in their voices and many overcoming nerves,  Matthew’s Gospel was retold.  Through their actions, words and song the story was brought to life in a joyous celebration.  This celebration continued afterwards as our Kinder - Year 3’s went from singing carols at the top of voices to inhaling ‘snags’, cupcakes and fizzy drinks. And spending time with their classmates and family members.


Like always these events do not just happen and there are many who need to be thanked. To Mr Gerard McNulty, Ms Dororthy Lincoln, Mrs Sophie Newland and her P&F team, Mrs Anne Haward and the Primary staff - thank you for all the work behind the scenes ensuring the evening was a great success. Also thankful to our parent/carer community who came along and helped celebrate at a time where it is always a juggle.  


 “When they saw the star, they rejoiced exceedingly with great joy. And going into the house, they saw the child with Mary, his mother, and they fell down and worshiped him”.  


Congratulations to Annabel Henderson (Year 5) and Sophie Henderson (Year 3) on their awards from the STAT - Science Teachers Association of Tasmania Science Talent Search.


Sophie was awarded first place in the state for the Poster competition of her division and Annabel was awarded first place in the photographic essay competition in her division.