Prep A - Hudson OD - For always trying your best to make good choices and follow the PAL values, I’m super proud of you Huddy!

Prep B - Nirvana B - Nirvana, you only started at East at the beginning of Term 4 but you always come to school with a smile on your face and show our PAL values. We are so happy you are here!


34A - Dakota R - For your ‘have a go attitude’ and consistently working hard and doing your best in all your learning. Well done Dakota! 

34B- Cordy B - For really applying yourself to your learning in reading this week, contributing to class discussions and working hard independently. Well done. 

34C - Emma M - For the increased effort you have been putting into your work. It is wonderful to see you challenging yourself with a strong desire to improve!

34D -  Ava H - For the enthusiasm, fun and brightness she brings to our classroom. Ava, you are always ready to learn, you contribute to all class discussions and you put your best effort into everything you do! Well done!


56A - Deegan N - For using expression and presenting a fabulous Reader’s Theatre. Well done!

56B - Charli O’D - For her perseverance when running for a leadership position for 2023. Great Work Charli!

56C - Mac C - For his positive outlook on life and his happy go lucky attitude with everything he does. 

56D - Jizzy M-D - For getting into character and exaggerating actions during Reader’s Theatre. Well done! 


Literacy Awards


Prep B - Phoenix L-H - For continued efforts with his handwriting. Phoenix, you are doing a great job of facing your letters the correct way and sitting them on the solid line.

3/4B- Blake A - For always participating in class discussions and sharing your opinion about our learning in our Reading block every week. You jump in and have a go, even when you’re not quite sure and that’s what a great learner does. Keep it up! 


Prep B - Oscar P - For excellent knowledge of known facts. Oscar, I love how you explain that you have used strategies such as Friends of Ten and Doubles to add numbers together!

3/4B- Andrea M - For your excellent work applying various maths skills in our ‘Create a Garden’ investigation. Your hard work is evident when you tackle tough real-life issues with such ease! Well done. 

Wellbeing Award

Reggie H - Demonstrating great positive thinking and seeing the brighter side of situations.