
Ready to Learn

As part of our Homeroom restructure this year, students were given a diary for school and personal use. They will use their diaries to write down homework detail and important school dates as well as scheduling in studying time.

Ways you can support your child with the use of their diary is to add in out of school commitments such as appointments, planned events and sporting/hobby engagements. We also encourage parents to sign their child’s diary each week. If you child shows their Year Level Leader a diary that has been signed every week for the term, they will win a $10 canteen voucher.


As of Monday, the 6th of February, if a student arrives at their Homeroom not ready to learn, a text message will be issued to parents/carers advising them of this, if you have any queries regarding this, please contact the student’s Homeroom teacher.


Many thanks, 

Leah Coles

Year 7 Year Level Leader

Homeroom Coordinator