From the Principal Team

Mr Chatterton
Mr Burley
Mr Chatterton
Mr Burley

(Please note: the discrepancy in head sizes is not meaningful, Mr Burley just has a very small head.) 


The end of the year never feels like a good time to reflect on the 12 months prior. It is hectic, chaotic, filled with fun, noise, movement, and activity. It is not a good time to stop, take a breath and think. But let me try. 

This year we have endured a huge amount of change. At a time when all of us were hoping for a break from change, we saw Jess Mann, Fi Davis, Yvette Bryant, Chantelle Trend, Mel Duckworth and Jorja Trewella all leave for a variety of reasons, resulting in the shuffling of decks and the need to patch holes. On top of that, we had illness running rampant right through Victoria, and teachers and students at different times all taking extended breaks from school while dealing with headaches, body aches, snotty noses and coughs. 

At the same time, we saw the most extreme teacher shortage in decades, resulting in difficulties recruiting relief teachers and new teachers throughout the state. 

We have endured through this and emerged relatively unscathed. I know many schools who were unable to employ new teachers and had to resort to splitting classes or using a rolling list of CRTs rather than having regular teachers. Similarly, many schools stopped employing CRTs and instead split classes across the school. Many schools advertised multiple times for the same position and received no applicants. It doesn't matter which school or which system, times were tough.  

However, as we so often do at RNPS we have persisted, with a positive hue, determined to make it work and ensure students had the same opportunities they deserved; the opportunities they have for so long been missing out on. Camps, excursions, carols, bingo, sausage sizzles, buddies ... the teachers, parents and students have banded together with such determination to make it work. 

The curse of a teacher is to finish everyday feeling like you could do 'just a little more' for your students. There's always something more to search up, cut out, mark, plan or create just to try and help a particular student have a better day tomorrow. Sometimes we're successful, and sometimes we're not. 

But at RNPS I KNOW, without question, that the teacher's curse is strong. They have pushed hard, through sickness, change and uncertainty to try and deliver every day for the students.

The length of holidays for teachers is often discussed in a negative light but I've always viewed it this way: 

We structure the school year to best help the students. They need a break and 10-11 weeks tends to be their maximum stretch of concentration. 

As teachers, we know that we always have more to give and more to fit in, so we attempt to fit 13 weeks of work into a 10 week term. When the light turns green on term, it is a sprint, not a marathon. 

So, I've never bought into the arguments that the holidays are unreasonable. Most of the teachers are likely to spend the week after they finish school recovering from some illness that has been idling dormant in their system, waiting for them to stop. They'll take a couple of weeks to wind down and just as they start feeling relaxed they'll start asking to come in and set up their room, get access to their class' data, and get ready to go again. 

I couldn't be more proud of our staff and their selfless efforts through a difficult year. I haven't even mentioned our extraordinary Education Support staff but the clue is in their title. They provide so much support and assistance to so many people, parents, teachers and students especially, and do so always for the benefit of others. They are the glue that holds the school together and I thank each of them for their dedication this year.  


It has also been a stellar year for our Parents and Friends Association (PFA) who have been running at full speed all year. The parents' day stalls, Disco, Bogan Bingo, 2 election BBQs, Christmas Cards, and many good deeds around the school have contributed so much to our school. Our next major target for fundraising is to refurbish our Hall - upgrading the walls, ceiling, floor and fittings to make a genuinely active multi-purpose hall for the school. All PFA fundraising efforts are contributing to this goal unless otherwise stated. It is so comforting for me as a Principal, to know that there are many many contributors all working to the same goal: student happiness, learning and growth. I thank the PFA whole-heartedly for their efforts and encourage even more parents to get involved next year. 


And finally, to our students - it has been a really tough year that challenged you. There were times when you went a long time missing your friends or your teachers; times when learning seemed like a really hard thing to do because your health was getting in the way; and times when you just wanted a cuddle from Mum. But you have persisted and we are almost there. Enjoy your Christmas, New Year and Holidays. Have amazing fun: swim; play with friends; give presents; eat brilliant food; read a fascinating book; enjoy the company of others. You deserve and have earned yourselves a break, so enjoy the next few weeks, let your batteries recharge and get ready to go again. Next year RNPS turns 100 years old and you better believe we're going to celebrate! 



There was such a great buzz around the school today as students met up with their new classes and teachers. Some of our new children to the school were understandably a little nervous but soon linked up with some new friends and got to know how our school works. 

It was great to have so many teachers returning, familiar faces no doubt for some students and parents and certainly a welcome sight in the staffroom. 

And we are thrilled to invite Anita Salems, Peter Humphreys, Jack O'Brien, Emma Brown, Jessie Walters and May Chynoweth to the RNPS family. Everyone hit the ground running today and got to work playing games, learning names, sharing jokes and getting to know their new classes. We look forward to learning more about who they are as individuals, teachers and colleagues in the coming months and years. 


Car Park Safety

With an increase in the amount of trade vehicles coming and going (due to building works),  we wish to remind parents and carers that the school car parks are available only to staff and commercial vehicles.  These areas are out of bounds to children and pedestrians. Please use the main gate to enter or leave the school.

2023 Dates
Friday January 27 AND Monday January 30 are Curriculum Days 

Students Return Tuesday January 31

Language of Friendship Parent Session

If you missed the wonderful 'Language of Friendship' online session with Dana from URStrong in May this year, don't stress, Eastland have kindly sponsored a session for the whole network that parents in the area are able to attend. 

The session will be held at Eastland on Thursday Feb 23 at 6pm. 

See the flyer below for the registration link. Seats are limited so get in early, share with your friends and make a night of it.