Year 9 Impact Program 

It’s Everyone’s Business Showcase Evening - Year 9 Impact Program 

The Year 9 Impact Team 


Throughout Term 1, Year 9 students actively participated in the It’s Everyone’s Business Program in collaboration with Monash University. Every Friday, students worked in small groups to create real-life social enterprise businesses aimed at addressing current social issues.

The program recently reached its culmination with the Showcase Evening held at Monash University's Clayton Campus on 25 May. Eight finalist groups presented their business to the entire audience, while the remaining groups showcased their businesses in an Expo format. 


All students demonstrated confidence and passion as they presented their chosen issues, leaving parents and the wider community highly impressed with their innovative business ideas.


Below is a personal reflection from Year 9 student Yash Kapoor, who opened the Showcase Evening with the following personal reflection.



Yash Kapoor, Year 9 


This time last year, if you'd asked me about my thoughts on the Impact Program, I would have likely responded with something like, 'It seems pretty cool to go into the city and mess around.' 


Initially, the Impact Program seemed just like a weekly excursion to me. But now, having directly experienced the program, I understand what it’s all about, and I think it’s safe to say the Impact Program is a whole lot more than what first meets the eye. Through a variety of exploratory activities, the program has taken me on a powerful and unexpected journey of self-discovery.

At the start of the Program, we were asked to look at ourselves in the mirror and identify our values - what we stand for. Throughout most of Term 1, we focused on various social issues around Melbourne. We spent a lot of time listening to and learning from others and touching on topics we wouldn’t have experienced if it weren’t for the Program. 

The people at Monash University sparked a fire in each and every one of us. We were encouraged to reflect on ourselves and our experiences, and find what social issues we were passionate about. 


The Showcase Evening is the result of countless hours of hard work and deep thinking over many weeks. Personally, I have grown so much in confidence and independence through experiences such as train travel and navigating the streets of the city. 


These are just a few of my highlights from the Impact Program, and I know every one of the Year 9s will have taken away something from the Program, whether big or small.


The Year 9 Impact Team 


The most rewarding component of the program was witnessing the personal growth of each individual Year 9 student. We were delighted by the willingness of students to speak openly and vulnerably about issues that were meaningful to them. 


Students impressed us with their ability to both overcome and grow from their challenges. Throughout the journey, students consistently strove for excellence and applied feedback. They identified and seized the opportunities available to them with both hands.  



The judging panel, consisting of Mrs Padgett, Mr Brinson, and Liz Bachetti, had to face the challenge of choosing one winner out of the many great business proposals. 


They ultimately announced the winning business as MENtal Space - a social enterprise which focuses on enhancing the mental health of young men by providing training and empowerment to individuals from all walks of life, enabling them to support others on their mental health journey.


The judges were particularly inspired by the passion and enthusiasm of MENtal Space's team members, while Year 9 staff acknowledged it was a great reward for their hard work and investment into the Program. Congratulations to Lachlan Barnes, Onkaar Lamba, Archie Dehne and Leo Clarke.



Parents listening to the pitches of three different groups in the Expo part of the evening, were invited to vote on the People’s Choice Award. Bye Bye Rot, a business which aims to tackle climate change and food waste, received the most votes. Well done to Saisha Mehndiratta, Summa Cuthbert, Sinead Macgowan and Kate Glazebrook.


Congratulations to all Year 9 students for the commitment shown and exceptional standard of presentations. The Year 9 Impact Team could not be more proud of what you produced!