School News and Information 

What's Happening Next Week

Week 4 

Thursday 16 February - Armidale PSSA Swimming 

Friday 17 February - Assembly Stage 3


Stage 3 News 

What a fabulous start we have had in Stage 3, 2023!

As with last year, Stage 3 classes are joined together to form a Stage 3 learning hub for most subjects using a co-teaching approach, however there are times and subjects we will remain apart. 

The last  week has seen Stage 3 students using both classes as a HUB class and the smaller spaces as a breakout space for smaller class group explicit teaching.  Everyone has been so focused and settled.

Stage 3 together created the Expectations for our group and we refer to these expectations daily and they are linked to our PAX Vision and we have used these when goal setting to set goals for the term. They are:

  • We speak with kindness and respect
  • We make good choices and show integrity
  • We care for our classrooms, school, community and environment
  • We work towards our goals
  • We are ready to learn

This term, our focus will be on ‘ A wide range of literary texts and their structures’ for English.  This includes a text study of the concepts, text features and structure of imaginative, persuasive and informative texts and how we use different text types in everyday life.  Students have written some wonderful autobiographies. 

This unit will also link to PDH where we learn about our community and what it means to be a positive and active citizen. In Mathematics we will have a primary focus on Number this term.

We will be learning about Earth’s Place in Space in Science and focusing on Why we live where we live in Geography.  A focus on looking at maps and geographical skills.  In PE and Sport, we are focusing on Game Strategies.

Great start Stage 3, well done!