PFA  Update

Annalie Darlington

We would like to officially thank everyone who supported our Fete last week. It was an awesome effort requiring 100s of volunteers and 1000s of volunteer hours. We raised over $50k in profit, which is a sensational result.  Thanks to everyone for your support. I would like to particularly thank Bre and Thea who lead the fête committee. Their experience, passion, energy and time commitment was amazing. I am collating some photos and will share a gallery soon please email the pfa if you have done pictures you’d like to share.


We are so close to the end of the year, and it feels like so much still to do!  From a PFA perspective we have a few more events to run, or projects to complete. Read below for the end of term activities. We hope you can support everything as you have all year!


The 2022 yearbook is open for sale now.

2022 has been a busy year, fully back in school, and with a calendar full of events, this book is a great memento of it all! The Yearbook contains the whole school (Prep to Year 6) and features students work, classroom pictures, and photos from various school events. It will also feature some quotes from the graduating year.It is a great reminder for all the students of what they have achieved and participated in throughout the year.

The yearbook will be delivered before the last day of school to allow students to get their books signed by friends and teachers.  Order here



Christmas Concert

The PFA will be running a BBQ and other food stalls following the Christmas Concert. Please bring a picnic blanket and settle in for an afternoon of performances with food and good company into the evening. We will also have a few stalls from our talent community, which may help you with your Christmas shopping needs!  If you can assist us with set up or helping on the stalls please sign us here.


Second Hand Uniform

The second hand uniform stall will open on the morning of Tuesday 6th December for the benefit of the new Prep Parents attending orientation events. Then the  stall will open from 8.30am on Friday 9th December for the final time this year. Many thanks to Cindy, Jean and team for running this so efficiently all year!


Icy Pole Day

We will be selling Icy Poles every  Friday for the rest of Term 4. These will be sold at the kitchen hatch during lunch times. We will offer a classroom delivery service for the preps to make it easier for them. Icy poles will be sold for a gold coin, no change will be given and choosing of flavours will be discouraged, as we want to sell quickly. Children will be encouraged to return their waste  to the Kitchen hatch for soft plastic recycling. Please support our efforts by sending a gold coin in with your child on Friday, please no notes! If you can help with Icy pole selling please sign up here.