Principals Report
Rohan Cooper
Principals Report
Rohan Cooper
As I pen the second-to-last newsletter for 2022, I would like to comment briefly on some key points as our academic year draws towards its conclusion.
Class Placement
Next Tuesday (6th December), students will find out their teachers and classmates for the 2023 academic year. This process has been rigorous and has included:
Teaching teams have spent over a month ensuring classes are well-balanced and are considered for both student preferences and eligible parent / carer requests. The classes are finalised with additional input from the specialist team, inclusion team and leadership team.
Do not contact your child’s classroom teacher or the school with a request for your child’s class to be changed. Our teaching teams know every child in our school in great depth and have put significant consideration into every single decision made. We have made these decisions on balance and in the best interest of all students. Not every student will be in a class with every single one of their best friends, nor will they necessarily be placed with their ‘most favourite teacher ever’; however, let me assure you that every student in our school will be well cared for, and their learning effectively catered for, to ensure that they can perform at their very best every day.
2023 Student Leaders
Congratulations to Hanon Box and Eden Keith (Captains) and Oscar Fitzgerald and Lola McBride (Vice-Captains) on being appointed to our School Captain positions for 2023. The rigorous process included a written application, interview and speech, with a record 40-plus applicants for the positions. Thank you and congratulations to all students for showing great courage in applying for these positions and I wish you all the best of luck as we now continue the process of nominating the broader student leadership group for 2023.
Celebrating International Day of People with Disability
International Day of People with Disability (IDPwD) is a United Nations observed day aimed at increasing public awareness, understanding and acceptance of people with disability. Early this year, the school was invited to be a partner in the rollout of the ‘Get Skilled Access’ program, initiated by Australian of the Year Dylan Alcott and implemented by the Department of Education and Training. Dylan’s vision for this program is to, ‘challenge your unconscious biases, your negative perceptions and lift your expectation of what you think people with disability can do’.
This year, led by Phoebe Browne, our staff have developed an inclusion committee, with the purpose of ensuring we recognise important events and embrace the diverse community in which we work within. This group are ensuring we recognise this important day with a staff morning tea next Monday, whilst teachers will be encouraged to continue to promote Dylan’s, “Top three tips to include students with disability at your school:”
On behalf of the DET, I’d like to thank Sasha Carr and her family for their willingness to participate in this program, as well as students Audrey Carr, Tahli and Taj Dunn, Sophie Gardiner, Lennox James, Eden Keith and James Waldhart for supporting the team during filming sessions.
School Fete
With a huge thanks to Bre McGrath, Thea Kogler, Annalie Darlington and the broader Fete Committee, our first Fete since 2019 has come and gone, with an amazing day had by all (and the weather somehow looked after us too!). The community spirit at the event was evident, with our vast group of parent volunteers, current and past students hosting stalls and ongoing entertainment from our talented ‘The Last Port’ musicians (amongst plenty of others on the open stage).
I am incredibly proud and fortunate to be able to announce that over $50 000 was raised for the school, with the funds covering the re-surfacing of our outdoor basketball court, which has now been arranged to take place during January.
This even reflected the community spirit at Port Melbourne and is a day we can reflect on with real pride.
Thanks for your ongoing support and keep doing your best.