Principal's Report

This is the final newsletter for 2022. 



I would like to thank: 

  1. All LPS staff, students, and parents for a year of respectful interaction that focusses on your child and what’s best for your child.
  2. Our school council for ongoing support and work (especially on the oval documentation). 
  3. Our PFA for an amazing year fundraising.
  4. Our Breakfast Club teachers and volunteers.  It’s the best breaky club in any school, ever! 
  5. Our office staff who are always your first port of call to answer your questions or put you in touch with the right person despite dealing with many things at once.
  6. Jay and Richard who keep our grounds looking good and maintain our buildings   
  7. Rose (our Chaplain who has now left us) for the support she gives to our students
  8. Brad our computer tech for keeping us up and running, as well as helping to organise our new iPads and laptops.
  9. Brittany for her amazing work with our students and parents and for doing it with a smile.

And of course: 

  1. My offsiders Mrs Pepper and Mr Balzary for their tireless work to make our school a great place to learn (and work). 

Our Year 6 Students

I wish all our Year 6 students well in their next steps of education.  It can be daunting but exciting at the same time.  There are many new friends to be made and new subjects to enjoy. I always look forward to seeing what the LPS alumni are up to in the future.  I hope graduation was a special night for you to reflect on your past successes! 


Teaching Staff Structure for 2023



We are very lucky to have such wonderful teachers at our school. 


Please don’t forget


Tomorrow (Friday 16th) we will have our final assembly (weather permitting) undercover at our stage area. All parents welcome. 


Monday 19th December is the last day for students.  School finishes at 2.30pm.


Tuesday 20th December is a pupil free day and Team Kids are available onsite for care should you need it. 


Merry Christmas and happy holidays to you all, 

I look forward to a successful 2023.


Mark Moorhouse
