Learning Updates

- School of Innovation

Students showcase time well spent in iTime 

On Friday, November 25,

 the Year 9 cohort showcased their iTime projects. We have been conducting in-depth research on topics of interest to us for the past few terms. The Year 8s, 10s and 3s came to look at all the work the Year 9 level has done and gave us some feedback.


For our iTime project, we sewed an item of clothing and shared facts about dressmaking and the hijab. We made a video which included our process of making the clothing. We also got the opportunity to get students and staff to try on the hijab. 


We had a great time with our iTime work. We want to thank Adam, Nathan, Millie and Georgina for making all of this possible! :)


 - Kowther Mejbel and Georgia Darby, Year 9, School of Innovation


For our Term 4 main assessment we have been learning in a subject called iTime. iTime was built from our Global Learning and English topics and was all about doing something that sparked our interests. On Friday we had our iTime showcase which let us show our projects to our cohort, Learning Mentors and the older and younger year levels. We were all left with great feedback that allows us to know what we need to work on.


 - Liliana Cirillo, Bridee Selman and Charlie Ratcliffe, Year 9, School of Innovation


On November 25 we had an iTime showcase. We showed the school what we have been working on this term. Our whole year level has been working hard to complete their iTime projects in preparation for the showcase. People have worked on a variety of ideas, ranging from cooking to 3D printing. The day was a great success which proved that everyone was invested in their learning.


 - Dion DeCicco and Darcy Brewer, Year 9, School of Innovation

Year 7s earn their bread in Food Tech

Montessori made bread rolls in Food Tech. They were really nice to eat everyone said. Also we had a lot of fun making them from scratch and without Marian we wouldn’t have been able to make them at all.


 - Owen Terry, Year 7, School of Innovation




Blazer ordering update for 2023 Year 10s 

Year 9 families, please head to the Learning Updates - School of Possibilities page in this edition of il giornale for an update on blazer ordering for 2023.