Parent Information

Welcome to our new staff!
This year we welcome three new staff members - Sharon, Susan & Madison (not pictured).
Community Conversations
Friday 10 February at RNSS - 930am.
Everyone is welcome to join.
QParents is launching at RNSS very soon!
Invitations to register will be sent home in the coming days. - please check your child's bag this week for information on how to register.
Once registered, parents will have their children’s student information at their fingertips.
More information about QParents can be found:
Free Dental Treatment for RNSS Students
CQ Health is offering full dental treatment to the students currently enrolled at your school up to and including Year 10, commencing January 2023. This service will be provided by the Frenchville School Dental Clinic located on Frenchville Road, Frenchville 4701.
Oral Health Therapist, Tom Hamilton will be the health professional on site. Please direct any enquiries to the school dental administrative team on 4920 7556 / 4920 6372 or Liza Pretorius on 4920 7553 during business hours.
Good oral health is an important part of healthy living, and we appreciate your cooperation and welcome any questions you may have regarding our service.
Parents will be responsible for ensuring their child/children attend at the agreed appointment times.
Please note: Due to the access at the Frenchville School Dental clinic, any students who have wheelchairs will be booked for an appointment at the Rockhampton Community Dental Clinic.
School zone safety – advice for motorists
With school back, it's a timely reminder to drivers to slow down in school zones and pay attention at children’s crossings.
Coming back after holidays it can be easy to forget what to look out for. School zone signs are displayed as you approach the school and shows both the speed limit and the times you need to reduce your speed around the school. Childrens crossing are identified by children crossing flags, which are displayed near crossings before and after school hours.
When the crossing is supervised, you as a motorist must:
- wait until all pedestrians, bicycle or personal mobility device riders have crossed the road and the crossing supervisor has returned to the footpath
- abide by the direction given by the School Crossing Supervisor.
If the crossing is unsupervised, you as a motorist must:
- give way to pedestrians, bicycle or personal mobility device riders on or entering a children’s, pedestrian or marked foot crossings
- give way to pedestrians, bicycle or personal mobility device riders on or entering a road you’re turning into
- give way to pedestrians, bicycle or personal mobility device riders on a slip lane
- give way to pedestrians in a share zone
- travel at a speed allowing you to stop safely at a crossing if needed
As a driver, it's important to make sure you give way to all pedestrians, bicycle or personal mobility device riders such as skateboards, e-scooters. You must also give way to pedestrians using a motorised mobility device such as a motorised wheelchair or a mobility scooter.
Some of our most vulnerable road users are children getting to and from school, so it’s important to slow down and abide by the crossing rules, as it won’t make much difference to the trip time, but it could very well save lives.
Visit the Street Smarts website to find more information about what to do at pedestrian and children crossings.