Early Stage 1 News

Spooky Stories in KGreen

The students in Kindy Green have gone Creative writing crazy!! They have been learning to create characters, develop storylines and explore settings. They have even had a go at writing stories from different perspectives, which can be a very tricky thing to do!


Kinder Green's Halloween story book, called the 'The Haunted Hotel', has been published and can be borrowed from the BAPS Library! The students worked together to create the story and they typed up their page in the computer lab. The book is a little bit spooky. Read if you DARE!


Picnic Day

Dear Parents / Carers,

To celebrate a wonderful year at school, the K-2 children will travel to Avoca Beach Theatre by bus to see a new release movie on Friday December 13th for the BAPS Picnic Day. Specific details will be sent home in a letter in the next couple of weeks.

Karen Hey

ES1 Assistant Principal (Relieving)