Year 9 News

Poetry Incursion

“Last Tuesday 4th June, Year 9 students attended the Poetry Incursion in the Performing Arts. The talented trio delivered classic Australian poems, as well as exciting modern verses including a love story between bacon and eggs which the cohort found thoroughly entertaining. The performance told tales using props and clever stage craft and students were encouraged to get involved during an interactive segment that invited members of the audience on to the main stage. Overall, it was an enjoyable show and a taste of what’s to come in semester two English”. (Sacha Hose, English Coordinator)

Morrisby Testing

Over the 24\6 and 25\6 the students completed the Morrisby Testing. The Morrsiby is an aptitude test that assess a variety of skills which is followed up with a careers interview next term to discuss a variety of career paths.  

Cybersafety Incursion

The Year 9s attended a Cyber safety session conducted by Somerville Community Police. The informative session ran for a whole period and covered topics such as laws around photos and sharing information and ways to protect your privacy.