Year 7 News


As all the Year 7 students finish this term they will be looking forward to a well-deserved term break.  Many students are finishing off their performance tasks in preparation for the change into Semester 2 classes.  Students have been given the opportunity to work in the learning centre at lunch to complete their tasks and staff are willing to provide student support at lunch time "Catch-up".

So many of our Year 7 students have taken up the many opportunities available for them at MSC.  We have had a large number of students compete in school sport and many of our Year 7 teams are  through to the next level.  Congratulations to these students.  When students return, they will have the opportunity to sign up for Term 3 sports: basketball, hockey, futsal and table tennis.  Also on Insights Compass, they will be able to sign up for the Digital Gaming Challenge, being facilitated by one of our Year 11 students, Warren Rogan.

Students have also been recognized in assembly for their efforts in cross country and our aerobics teams.  It is certainly wonderful to see so many of our students participating in so many activities and doing so well.

Next term we have our camp to The Summit.  The camp will run from September 2- 4th and September 4- 6th.  Information regarding which camp your child is attending is available on compass where you will also need to consent for them to go.  Students have received a hard copy of the dietary requirements, the camps high risk consent and the medical form.  These need to be completed out and returned.  Should you have any questions regarding camp, please feel free to contact me.

I wish all students a wonderful holiday and I look forward to seeing them all in Term 3 ready to take on more opportunities and continue to extend their learning so positively.

Ms Jo Reeman

Botanical Gardens Visit

In May the Year 7 students attended the Royal Botanical Gardens excursion in Cranbourne.

They attended in home groups of two and three over the various days.  Students were able to learn in an outdoor classroom environment.  Activities included learning about native plants, indigenous painting, and ancient herbal medicines. On their return to school, students will use the knowledge they have obtained to complete the ecosystems unit and their performance task.  This task involves how native species can survive and thrive after natural bushfires.