Year 7 Camp

Year 7 Camp

Year 7 Camp is one of the most anticipated events on the school calendar. It provides an opportunity for students to get to know their peers and teachers, as well as themselves on a deeper level. This year’s camp was no exception. Students were taken to Wesley Vision Valley for two days where they participated in various activities in order to challenge themselves, as well as build friendship groups along the way.


Students displayed their determination, teamwork skills and willingness to have a go as they climbed the high ropes, soared through valleys on the flying fox and splashed their way down the water slide. They were also able to challenge their teachers in very competitive game of archery. They also strengthened ties both within their home groups and with their teachers as they supported and cheered each other on.


We would like to thank the teachers who dedicated their time both prior to and over the two days at Camp. Their support, guidance and motivation to all students is truly appreciated. Thank you also to the Prefects who displayed excellent leadership and direction in organising fun activities for Year 7s. They were able to keep them engaged, as well as assist them in building on their friendship and support circles.


Overall, students tested their own physical and mental strengths, demonstrating immense character growth. Killara High School could not be prouder of the maturity and positive attitudes they have shown.



Arash Atah and Ayesha Ghazzawy

Year 7 Advisers