Year 12 VCAL
Hello, my name is Anthony and throughout this term I have been volunteering (for the VCAL program) at Vinnies in St. Albans.
Volunteering at this store makes me happy. It has shown me the huge extent of kindness that people have within the community. They do this by donating their clothes, appliances and also their time to help pass on the message of compassion. What also makes me happy is seeing satisfied customers (especially children, when their mothers are able to buy them a nice toy and a tee shirt at a bargain price).
Vinnies has been helping out the community and the disadvantaged for over 150 years. With the kindness of my fellow volunteers at Vinnies we are able sell a wide range of goods that otherwise some members of the community would not have been able to purchase at full price.
I hope to continue helping out this charitable cause. The whole experience has been a positive one!