Course Counselling and Subject Selection Information

Course Counselling and Subject Selection Information

During this term students at Rosehill will be making subject choices for 2020. Staff will be working closely with students and parents to ensure they have the necessary information to make the best choices from the range of subjects offered in our tailored curriculum. Students are encouraged to use their 2020 Course Handbooks and speak with teachers to learn more about the different subjects available. For students in Year 9, 10 and 11, teachers will also be providing their recommendations for future study in areas including Mathematics, Science and Languages. I encourage students and parents/guardians to consider these very carefully prior to subject selection. Please note the key dates below and check your Compass posts regularly for additional information.


Thursday 25th July

  • Year 11 students will receive 2020 course planning materials.

Monday 29th July     

  • Year 9 and 10 students will receive 2020 course planning materials and begin research during ID classes.

Wednesday 31st July              

  • Information evening for Year 10 parents and students 6:30 – 7:30 pm in school library
  • Information evening for Year 11 parents and students 7:30 – 8:30 pm in school library


Individual log-ins for online subject selection and course counselling interviews and subject recommendation letters will be distributed at this time. Students unable to attend the information evening may collect these items from their coordinator in the following days.  Online subject selection and course counselling interview bookings will open following the meeting.


Thursday 1st August

  • Information evening for Year 9 parents and students 6:30 – 7:30 pm in school library


Individual log-ins for course counselling interviews and subject recommendation letters will be distributed at this time. Students unable to attend the information evening may collect these items from their coordinator in the following days.  Online course counselling interview bookings will open following the meeting.


Monday 12th August

  • Online subject selection and interview bookings for Year 11 students close at 4 pm.

Tuesday 13th August

  • Online subject selection and interview bookings for Year 10 students close at 4 pm.
  • Year 11 students attend their course counselling interview.

Year 11 parents/guardians are welcome to attend the course counselling interviews, however it is not compulsory. Year 11 classes will run as usual on this day and students will be called out for their interview at the appropriate time.


Wednesday 14th August

  • Online interview bookings for Year 9 students close at 4 pm.
  • Year 10 students and parents/guardians attend their Course Counselling interview.

No Year 10 classes will run on this day.


Thursday 15th August

  • Year 9 students and parents/guardians attend their Course Counselling interview.

No Year 9 classes will run on this day.


Monday 19th August

  • Year 7 and 8 students will receive course planning materials and their log-ins for online subject selection.
  • Online subject selection for Year 7 and 8 students opens. Students have one week to select their subjects.

Monday 26th August

  • Online subject selections for Year 7 and 8 students closes at 4 pm.

Please note that in addition to the aforementioned activities, this year the Department of Education and Training (DET) is supporting secondary schools to provide comprehensive career education which includes a free career advisory service for Year 9 students. Parents/guardians and students have previously received information about this service via Compass from our College Careers Leader, Alfio Raiti.


This DET service for Year 9 students will ‘sit beside’ Rosehill’s internal schedule of course counselling outlined above, and includes two stages:

  • Stage 1 takes place on Wednesday 24th July and involves students completing an online survey designed to identify potential suitable careers. A report will be produced for each student and analysed by an accredited career practitioner.
  • Stage 2 takes place between Monday 2nd and Friday 6th September and involves a follow-up one-on-one career counselling session with an accredited career practitioner to discuss your child’s individual survey report and future options. These meetings will take place during the school day (only) and are by appointment. Parents/guardians are welcome to attend with their child.

We are aware that Stage 2 takes place after our own Course Counselling interviews, however the dates have been set by DET and we are unable to move them to a time that better fits within our internal schedule this year. We nevertheless encourage all students to take full advantage of these new services provided by DET to help them make informed choices with regards to their study and career pathways over the coming years.



Frances Snow

Assistant Principal