
Research your Career - it’s never too early to start
Job outlook
Helps you make decisions about your study choices and discover career pathways
My Future
You can explore occupations related to your favourite school subjects. After you create an account, click on ‘explore career bullseyes’ and then click on your favourite subjects. Start exploring career pathways by selecting a learning area you enjoy.
The Good Career Guide
Is a multi-platform resource for students commencing their career journey. There is over 500 different job descriptions and students can explore occupations based on their interests and traits.
My Career Portfolio
My Career Portfolio is an online system to support students career journey. It is designed to support students with resources to capture their career goals and plans, share their skills, experiences and accomplishments, and keep all the information they will need to plan their education and career pathways. This recognised career system is one aspect of the career education program required to be implemented by schools. Once students have worked through their portfolio it is stored online and is able to be accessed and reviewed by the appropriate staff to support students with their career planning. This platform is a fantastic tool to enable staff to support students with resources and guidance. Last week we have had our Year 10 course counselling appointments and it was very noticeable the number of students who had a clear study program aligned to their chosen career pathway. That’s why this is a great online system that supports our students career journey. Our year 12 and year 10 students have completed this process with our year 11 students next in line to work through their career portfolio.
University Open Days
University open days are a fantastic opportunity to explore what each individual university has to offer. You should not wait until you are in Year 12 to start researching, start early and explore what is on offer. Register to have information sessions hosted by study experts, hear from current students, discover what campus life is like, hear about the supports that universities can offer you to achieve your career goal! Follow below link to see the list of all universities.
Deakin University Webinars
All campus-based events are now moving to an online format. Their course webinars have been running from May through until July. Students can discover what it’s like to study at Deakin, meet future teachers, hear from Deakin students and get all the information they need to choose the right course. Please see options listed below:
- Artificial Intelligence:
- Arts:
- Biomedical Science:
- Business Analytics:
- Commerce and Business:
- Communication:
- Creative Arts:
- Criminology:
- Cyber Security:
- Design:
- Engineering:
- Environmental Courses:
- Exercise and Sport Science:
- Forensic Science:
- Graduate Certificate of Construction Management:
- Health Sciences:
- Information Technology:
- Law at Deakin:
- Marketing (Psychology) and HR (Psychology):
- Medical Imaging:
- Nursing and Midwifery:
- Nutrition Science:
- Occupational Therapy:
- Optometry:
- Property and Real Estate:
- Psychology:
- Public Health and Health Promotion:
- Software Engineering:
- Sports Management and Sports Development:
- Teaching:
Federation University Webinars
The webinars have been running through May, June, July and August for our students to access. Students can register to hear from academics, professional staff, alumni and current students, and gain insight into what it’s really like to study at Federation University. Please see the link to view upcoming events also register to watch a recording of the past events. Our students have had this advertised through Compass.
University of Melbourne Webinars
Welcome to the Meet Melbourne 2020 online webinar series. Hear from faculty and academic staff as students explore course options, career and graduate pathways and student life with these special, deep-dive conversations. Meet Melbourne insiders and uncover what the Melbourne curriculum is all about. Play, pause, rewind, watch on-demand.
TAFE Gippsland – Year 12 session Thursday 3rd September
A session will be held for all Year 12 students to discover what career pathways and study opportunities will be available for 2021. This will help students discover what courses will be available, how this can lead on to their chosen career pathway and how the application process works. All Year 12 students are expected to attend this session to help with their planning heading into next year.
VTAC sessions – weekly WebEx meetings
Over the last 4 weeks our Year 12 students have been working through their VTAC (Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre) application and placing their university course preferences in priority order. This is a very exciting time for our Year 12’s who have worked hard to reach this goal. There have been weekly sessions to support our students though this process to help them gain an understanding of what is required in this important decision-making time.
Our meetings have covered applying for VTAC, course preferences, Scholarships, SEAS applications and general support for students who need individual assistance.
TAFE short courses
TAFE are running short courses, these courses are a good way to expand your learning in a field you are interested in. Please see link for a list of these courses.
Australian Defence Force Gap Year Program
Year 12 students are now able to apply for a 12-month position in the ADF to begin in 2021.To find out more go to:
Australian Apprenticeships Pathways
Interested in becoming an apprentice? This website has great information and resources to support your research regarding your career planning.
Looking for an apprenticeship? Here are a few job searches sites;
My Career Insight (Year 9 Morrisby Career Discovery tool)
During the remote learning our Year 9 students sat the career assessment which involved completing several quizzes and questionnaires through the Morrisby website. This has produced a detailed careers report which students will be able to use to help with their career development. During term 4 students will have an interview with an external Careers Consultant to discuss these results. Congratulations to the 104 Year 9 students who have completed this and began their exciting career journey.
Year 10 Work Experience
Our 2020 work experience program has been cancelled due to COVID-19. This is very unfortunate, but the decision has been made with the safety of our students and community as the highest priority.
Careers Support
I am available as a support for students and parents with any questions or queries you have. Please feel free to contact me on 51279225 or