Mini School Updates

Junior School Update
Well we might only be halfway through Term 3, but what an incredible term it’s been so far!
Monday 3 August was the last day of face-to-face teaching this term and this newsletter edition finds us currently in our third week of being back in the remote learning ‘space’. Although this isn’t ideal we understand that peoples’ health is more important than anything else. In the current circumstances, our best response is to work together collectively to ensure the best outcomes for our local community as well as Victoria and Australia.
I know that although this latest bump in 2020 is difficult for staff, students and families we are all strong and resilient and will cope with the adversity and make the most of wearing tracksuit pants and Ugg boots while we all work and learn from the comfort of our homes!
Our first round of remote learning and teaching was largely well received and although there are mixed feelings about its return, it is a positive to be able to take the lessons we learned from last time and feedback from parents and students onboard to hopefully build on and improve the experience for everyone this time around. I do know that our teachers are caring and working hard to bring the best learning experience possible to your screens regardless of location and they will continue to do so for the remainder of Term 3. Of course, the cooperation and support of our students and families is of utmost importance to the success of this and I would like to sincerely thank you all for the efforts to make this happen.
If there are any issues that emerge please know that there are still plenty of people available to offer support and assistance. Within the Junior School, we have Tammie still answering phone calls remotely if you need to pass on administrative information. Our coordinators, Miss Keegan (Year 7) and Mr Stokes (Year 8) and student support officer, Anna, are also available via email and Webex as needed. It actually makes their day to hear from you! Any subject related issues (e.g. overdue work, any issues working through the weekly tasks) are best addressed by emailing the relevant subject teacher (via Compass). Our school wellbeing team have also been working very actively behind the scenes to survey and monitor how our students are travelling and promptly responding to any emerging issues and concerns.
If I could offer students two key pieces of advice to help them get the most out of their online learning experience, I think they would be:
- Participate in your Webex sessions – remote learning and teaching does not mean that you need to learn on your own. Connecting virtually with your teacher and peers will increase your personal online learning experience. Where possible – turn on your camera (choose a fun background!!) and microphone and engage in realtime conversation, you’ll find it so much more rewarding.
- Ask for help when you need it – I know it might seem like it’s quicker or easier to search for answers to any questions using Google, the best way to get any issues sorted is to contact your teacher (in Webex, or by email) if you are stuck or need some clarity. If you don’t ask for help when it’s needed and ignore it, this will just snowball into a bigger and more stressful problem. Everyone needs help at some point throughout a lesson and your teachers want to help you!
I hope that you and your families all stay safe and well and thank you for your continued support and assistance as we negotiate this current period. I encourage you all to draw on the resources and assistance of the school and encourage you to contact us if you have any concerns or worries – no matter how small they may be.
On behalf of the Junior School team we look forward to seeing your smiling faces back on site as soon as is safely possible.
Nicole Taylor
Junior School Leader
Middle School Update
Welcome to our first newsletter for Semester 2.
This Semester is going to be a challenging one; first of all with all school learning now online. Knowing what a great cohort of students you are, I am sure you will meet the challenge head on.
As many of you know, now is the time for course selections and your classes for next year. We know current circumstances have been challenging for you all, but we are very pleased with the course selections you have chosen, and how many of you are able to submit them yourselves. We have been especially impressed by the number of next years Year 10’s submitting to undertake a Year 11 subject.
Across the college, we have a strong focus on attendance and that hasn’t changed given the current climate. Please ensure that you log into every one of your subjects Webex meetings at the start of all your timetabled classes to be marked for attendance and receive any verbal instructions from your teachers.
If for any reason you cannot attend a class, please email your teacher and have a parent mark you out on Compass.
I wish you all the best in these challenging times and please remember if you need any assistance call or email the Middle School Office on 5127 9246/
Darren Mitchell
Middle School Manager
Senior School Update
Hello all,
We hope everyone is adjusting to online learning again and are enjoying being able to sleep in a little bit longer.
There are a lot of students working very hard from their homes and we are very happy to be hearing lots of positive feedback from parents, staff, and students.
We have had a couple key announcements that I would like to remind you of;
Firstly, VTAC (Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre) applications opened on the 3rd of August meaning that year twelves now have the opportunity to apply to the courses and universities they want to get into. This is done through the VTAC website. Timely admissions for course applications end on the 30th of September. For more information please email Kirsty.
Our Senior School team have been working hard to make sure that every student is feeling supported and confident in their learning via video chats, phone calls and emails. This process is currently working well, and we are enjoying staying connected with our students.
We understand that getting back into the swing of online learning is difficult so please remember we are all here for you and if you need any support, please reach out to any teacher, staff members, or other students you feel comfortable talking to.
Cordelia Reynolds, Ashlyn Levy, Kate Wheildon and Blake Dyson
School Captains