From the Principal


Strength for this Challenging Time

We pray for your love and compassion to abound

as we walk through his challenging season.


We ask for wisdom for those who bear the load

of making decisions with widespread consequences.


We pray for those who are suffering with sickness

and all who are caring for them.


We ask for protection for the elderly and vulnerable

to not succumb to the risks of the virus.


We pray for misinformation to be curbed

that fear may take no hold in hearts and minds.


As we exercise the good sense that you in your mercy provide,

may we also approach each day in faith and peace,

trusting in the truth of your goodness towards us. Amen.



Two weeks into our second phase of online learning and it has been good to see the number of students who have been logging in each morning with their class teacher and sharing what they have been doing.

Wellbeing Wednesday was certainly a productive day.  It was a fun start to the day being able to join in with our whole school fitness session, and then to see the marvellous creations coming in via SeeSaw and Padlet platforms.  The pancake designs were very imaginative and the cockatoos certainly looked colourful.  I'm looking forward to seeing how the masks have turned out as well.

I wish to thank the parents for your support of the class teachers, and for the encouragement you are giving your children to complete the daily set tasks.  Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns regarding your child and the online learning program.

Online Learning

Please note the following information regarding students' online contact times.


Senior Class

  • The Senior Students have a roll call at 9am every morning, if they are unable to make it please email Miss Webb.
  • On Mondays the students meet in their year levels to discuss and engage in some group learning.
  • Years 3 and 4 students have a Google Meet catch up with their peers at 9:30am on Mondays.
  • Year 5 students have their Google Meet at 10:30am on Mondays.
  • Year 6 students meet at 11:30am on Mondays.
  • On Wednesdays, Miss Webb is catching up with each senior student individually to check in and support their learning. The time for these individual catch ups has been emailed to each student. If your child hasn’t received an email with a time, this is because Miss Webb will be catching up with them at school.
  • On Friday afternoons the Seniors also have a whole class Google Meet at 2:00pm until 2:30pm.  This provides an opportunity for students to catch up and have a bit of fun to finish off the week.

Junior Class

  • All Junior students receive their notifications via SeeSaw.  Junior students have a group roll call each morning at 9.30am via Google Meet.  Miss Williams has advised families of arrangements for individual check in times.

A reminder that students are asked to be in school uniform when they are online in the group sessions and roll calls please.


On Wednesday mornings, there is a 9.05 attendance and Google Meet fitness session for the whole school.  Each Wednesday will also have a distinct theme as part of our Wellbeing Wednesdays.

COVID-19 Declaration & On-site Attendance Form

A reminder that if you require your child to be at school over the next few weeks, a COVID-19 Declaration & On-site Attendance Form is required to be completed and submitted prior to the day.  Unless prior arrangements have been made with myself, children are only to be at school if parents are required to work and there is no alternative child care available.


The COVID-19 Declaration & On-site Attendance Form is obtainable by clicking either of these buttons:

Australian Parents Council Newsletter

The latest edition of the Australian Parents Newsletter can be found here.

There are a variety of articles covering a range of topics related to education and support for children.

Growing Up Digital Australia

Invitation for parents and grandparents to have your say!

Do you wonder how digital media and technologies that children live with might affect their wellbeing, health and learning?  If so, the Gonski Institute of Education at the University of NSW invites you to share your views with them here!

The Gonski Institute of Education at the University of NSW are working on a ground-breaking research project called Growing Up Digital Australia. This international research project seeks to understand the health, wellbeing and learning impacts of growing up in a digital world on our young people. 

A number of Australian organisations are supporting this project, including Departments of Education, parent organisations and teacher associations. 

The Growing Up Digital project Phase 1 saw them work with almost 2,000 educators from around the country and find out what is happening in classrooms through the eyes of teachers and principals. Now with this Phase 2 survey, it is your turn as parents and grandparents to have your say. 

Participation is voluntary and you will never be identified at any stage. By completing the survey, you have the chance to be entered into the draw for one of four $100 Coles Myer gift cards. This Phase 2 survey will be open until 11 October, 2020. If you are a parent, carer or grandparent of any child aged 5-17, you may complete the survey here

To find out more about the project, and the results from Phase 1, click here.  

UNSW Gonski Institute for Education

Sunday's Gospel - Matthew 14:22-33

In Sunday's Gospel we were reminded of Jesus walking on the lake.  Peter stepped from the boat that carried the disciples and started walking on the water towards Jesus. Becoming aware of the wind around him, Peter got frightened and began to sink.  As he called for Jesus to save him, Jesus replied with, " Man of little faith, why did you doubt?"


By walking on stormy waters, Jesus demonstrates that he has complete power and authority to bring order out of the chaos.  In this Gospel, Peter finds his way through the storm towards Jesus, until he loses focus and worries more about what is happening around him, at which point he struggles until Jesus takes his hand and saves him.

In our world today, we have a storm taking place around us as we deal with the coronavirus pandemic.  The Gospel reminds us that we need to keep our eyes fixed upon Jesus as a source of hope, despite the chaos around us.   With faith and the support of each other, we prayer that Jesus will lead us safely through these stormy waters.

Our Josephite Heritage

The Sisters of St Joseph of the Sacred Heart, often called the "Josephites" or "Brown Joeys", were founded in Penola, South Australia, in 1866 by Mary MacKillop and the Rev. Julian Tenison Woods. In 1949, three Josephite sisters arrived in Nhill to open St Patrick’s School. In 1978, the Sisters of St Joseph informed the Nhill Parish that they would no longer be able to maintain their role within the school.

We endeavour to honour our Josephite heritage through the regular presentation of the Little Joey awards at our assemblies. In support of this we also include a reflection from Mary MacKillop on our newsletter each week.

"Love... to all, none are forgotten" Mary MacKillop, 1874

Book Club

Due to our current lockdown restrictions, we are going to do Book Club Issue 6 a little differently. You will still be able to place your order via clicking the button:

Orders need to be in by Monday 31 August.

Unfortunately as we are unable to receive your orders back to our school, you will need to have them delivered direct to your home for a fee of $5.99. If you have any questions or queries, please contact the school office on 53911575.

Jolly Soles Socks

A big thank you to our community for participating in our SAC's fun socks fundraiser.  To date we have raised over $700.  There is still a number of pairs of various sizes and designs available for sale.  Please contact the office with any purchase requests.

2020 Term Dates

Term 3 13 July to 18 September

Term 4 5 October to 18 December

School Calendar

**to be confirmed due to coronavirus restrictions



Sacramental Program Information Session 4pm CANCELLED


Catholic Education Week


**School Photos Day

**Sacramental Program 4pm



Last Day Term 3 – dismissal at 2.15pm


First Day Term 4

St Patrick's Church Services

Cancelled due to coronavirus restrictions until further notice

School Advisory Council

Parent representatives

Helen Cannell (Chair)
Zanther McEldrew
Melissa Polkinghorne
Nathan Ruge
Antoinette Toet

Ex officio

Fr. Peter Hudson
Kingsley Dalgleish
Ann Munro
Karen Rintoule

Next Meeting

Wednesday 14 October 2020 at 7.00pm


God Bless you all,


Kingsley Dalgleish
