Covid-19 Update  

Sunday 12/07/2020

Latest News

Remote Learning (Latest update 12/07/2020)

20/07/2020 Metropolitan schools & Mitchell Shire - Remote Learning.

I can confirm we will be going into remote learning starting week two of term three. The duration is until 19/08/2020, but this is only a guide, not absolute. As mentioned in prior newsletters the teachers will be preparing this pupil free week for remote learning.


Devices for Remote Learning

We will be organising our bank of devices for hand out at the end of the week. The process will be an on-line process, similar to requesting children at attending school this week. Please do not contact the school we will inform the community via Sentral and the newsletter.


School Supervision - Week 1, Term 3 Monday 13/07 - Friday 17/07/2020 (No updated change)

As mentioned by Daniel Andrews, schools in metropolitan Melbourne will be starting term three as a 'Pupil Free' week. Teachers and other staff will be at school, but students are not to be at school for the whole week. 

Only those students where parents identify as essential service workers may send their child/ren to school. If parents are requesting supervision then they must complete the on-line form on the school's website; even those parents who have already made a request via email to the school.


Temperature checks (No updated change)

Daily temperature checks will be enforced as announced by the Minister Merlino. If a child presents with a temperature of 37.5 or above, parents or carers will be requested to collect the child immediately.

The child cannot return to school until a Covid-19 test has been completed and the school has been informed of the results. If a test result is not provided to the school then the child/ren will be requested to self isolate for 14 days and the Department of Health & Human Services (DHHS) will be notified, as well as the Department of Education & Training (DET) . This action will also include the children of essential service workers. 


Drop off and Pick-up - Week 1 (No updated change)

At the this stage we will assemble all students, who must return to school on the basketball court. Likewise this will also be the procedure at the end of the day.


Pupil Free Week

First Week - Term Three 

Monday,13/07/2020- Friday,17/07/2020

Remainder of the First Week 

Tuesday 14/07/2020-Friday 17/07/2020 

Remote Learning Returns 

Monday 20/07/2020 until at least 19/08/2020

Remember - Social Distancing is Key