The Learning Zone

The Learning Zone - Mrs Holland, Leader of Pedagogy/Assistant Principal


Staff Learning

During staff meetings teachers engage in professional learning and discussions about their practice.  These important conversations help build collective capacity, strengthen the collaborative culture of the school and, most importantly, improve student learning outcomes. At a recent staff meeting the teachers reflected on the St Joseph’s Co-Teaching Cycle (developed last year) and shared the many things they are doing well. Engaging in open, honest conversations like this give all staff the opportunity to learn from each other and improve practice. 

Learning in Action

Take a look at what was happening in the classrooms last week:


Maths rotations in Kindergarten.

Stage 1 were participating in their Big Write on Thursday.

Stage 2 students are proud of their achievements and enjoying the library.

Maths warm-ups in Stage 3 - practicing multiplication skills with a dice game.


Can your child solve this tricky puzzle? Answers are due by Friday 14th August (Week 4).


Have a wonderful week.


Maree Holland