General News

Let's be Peaceful & Physical Kids


School Fees

A reminder that Term 2 school fees were due for payment on Monday 29th June. Thank you to the families who have already paid. We are aware of financial difficulties facing people in these hard times and are more than happy to talk with families experiencing problems. Please make contact with our Co-Principal, by phone or by appointment to discuss your financial responsibilities.  Please note: Fees may be paid by cash, cheque, internet banking, EFTPOS, Qkr!, credit card or direct debit (through the Armidale Diocesan Investment Group, at no cost to you).  If you would like to pay by direct debit which is by weekly, fortnightly or monthly payments, please contact either office for the relevant information.

Late Arrivals

We cannot stress enough the importance of getting your children to school on time every day. There has been an alarming increase of students arriving at school after the bell time of 8.45am. Students arriving at school late has an impact on the students themselves, the class and the teacher, not to mention the valuable learning time the students are missing if this is a regular occurrence. Please support us in ensuring your children arrive at school before 8.45am. 


Lost Property Items

A reminder to please label all items of clothing for students.  We have many items again in our lost property boxes with no name.  Please rewrite names regularly as they do fade with washing and it makes it very hard for staff to decipher.  All unlabelled items will be donated to the clothing pool.  Also please label lunch boxes, water bottles and all other containers.  


INFANTS Pick Up and Drop Off

It has been brought to the school’s attention that some Infants parents have been noted during the busy morning drop off/afternoon collection waiting for their preferred parking spot, and not taking the first available, and therefore traffic is banking up and around the corner in David Street. We also acknowledge parent’s frustration when all parking spaces are full.  An option in the afternoon is to come later at 3.10pm when the bulk of traffic congestion is gone or alternatively park in the surrounding streets and walk to the rear of the school to collect your child.  Please be considerate of others and drop your children off quickly and leave our school grounds ASAP to alleviate this congestion. 


Also, when leaving the pick-up area, you are requested to turn left only  and proceed around Thompson Crescent, NOT TURN RIGHT.  Some parents have been witnessed turning right against the flow of traffic and causing further frustration!!  Please for the safety of our school community, adhere to the correct procedures and avoid a hefty fine from Council's Parking Rangers.

Sports Uniform

To accommodate our students (for physical activities) and parents (for washing!) all students are now permitted to wear their sports uniform to school on Wednesdays and Fridays until the end of this term. 

School Jumpers have now arrived

More stocks of our St Ed's size 10 and size 12 jumpers have finally been received and are now available for purchase at $35 each via our school's Qkr! app.    

Students Who Become Unwell at School

In the current climate, if your child presents at sick bay complaining of feeling sick, we are required to call parents/carers to collect them. Likewise, if your child has a cough, sore throat, runny nose or other illness, please keep them at home and do not send them to school. Thank you for your co-operation.


As the bubblers are still locked, students are reminded to bring their own water bottles to drink from throughout the day.



Centacare - Resilient Kids Program




Child Safety during the School Holidays

Your primary aged child is still developing an understanding of danger and safety. While they are often keen to do things for themselves, an adult must always be responsible for your child in the traffic environment.


Your child is a vulnerable road user. They are still developing the skills that help them to judge the direction of sound and the speed and distance of vehicles. Your child is physically small, making it harder for drivers to see them. They may be easily distracted and tend to only be able to focus on one thing at a time. This means that they find it difficult to deal with sudden changes in the traffic environment.

Your child may be able to tell you the rules and how to keep safe near in and around vehicles, but in reality, will not always be able to apply them.

Read the road safety information below about how to help keep your child safe. Share the information with all of the adults who care for your child.


Also take some time to explore and talk about the Safety Town activities with your child.


Safety Town Key topics include 

Pedestrian safety

Key pedestrian safety messages

The early years of school

Continue to hold hands

Gaining independence

Walking together to and from school

Pedestrian crossings

Mobiles, music and other distractions

On holidays

Passenger safety

Key passenger safety messages

Child car seats

In and out of the On and off the bus safely

Informal school bus stops

Safety on wheels

Key safety on wheels messages

Always wear a helmet

Riding safely

Skateboards, scooters and rollerblades

Dropping off and picking up at school

Driving and parking near schools

40km/h school zones

Driving near school buses


Driveway safety

They’re counting on you