From the Principal's Desk

Dear Monty South Community,
As we gallop towards the end of first term it has been wonderful to have a full term of face-to-face teaching and learning, even if we had our highest number of absences ever. Somehow, we have managed to make it through the term and still be able to offer our usual teaching and learning programs and all the extra curriculum as well.
Furthermore, we also find ourselves in full tour season. This is when we proudly get to take prospective families around our school as they prepare to enrol their child in Prep for 2023. It is always a heart-warming experience to wander the classrooms, kitchen, garden, library and yard during these tours. The vast and plentiful learning opportunities is indeed highlighted, and the strong sense of care, kindness and community always shines through when saying hello and chatting to staff and students along the way.
Curriculum working parties
In Term 4 last year, we established some focus groups or working parties with small groups of staff from different year levels and different years of experience. Each of these working parties followed an enquiry process looking at the school instructional model (which we hope to launch next term), the assessment and reporting policy and process across the school and our writing curriculum and process. We found the method engaging and highly constructive at contributing to overall improvement across the school.
This term, we have established another working party to look at student wellbeing and behaviour management after the Operations and Wellbeing Team identified behaviour management and specifically building teacher skills as an area of importance.
Since then, we have drilled down even further and have been focussing on the TRIBES program across the school. Our investigation centres on the following question, “Will a focus on the TRIBES process have a positive impact on our school culture?”
At our meeting today, we identified 8 areas around the TRIBES program that we wish to dig deeper and develop some strategies and actions. These are as follows:
Visibility-documented and promoted; Explicit & embedded developmentally across P-6; Vic Curriculum links; Student, staff and parent lead and modelled; TRIBES agreements; Process ongoing; Induction/Professional learning for staff; Shared language & understanding of definition.
We are keen to explore our TRIBES program and how we can make it more relevant to our current school community. TRIBES has been an integral part of our school for over 15 years, and we want to maintain the focus.
MSPS Achievers
I am really excited to acknowledge the many achievements of our students this week. It is always a pleasure to see them doing so well both in their school pursuits, as well as in their personal ones. To see students extending themselves by taking on these extra challenges is fantastic and I congratulate each and every one of them for their efforts, well done!
Swimming Achievers - We had an excellent day at the regional swimming championships last week. Every Monty South student who swam got a medal! The seven students - Jessika Blair, Hope Christian, Ava Coombs, Annabelle Lowe, Ava Thickins, Ben Van Dijk and Charli Walters are going on to the State Championships to compete in their events - one medley team, one relay team and in individual events. Good luck to you all!
Congratulations to Ollie Allport for winning a Diamond Valley Cricket Association award for batting. He was recognised for his skilled batting and excellent team work as a member of the Eltham Junior Cricket Club. Ollie loves playing cricket and it's great to see him recognised for his efforts.
Oscar Whitmore won the Nillumbik Division Tennis Tournament recently with a brilliant score of 6/0, 6/1, 6/0, 6/1 and is through to the Regional finals on Monday April 4th. Congratulations Oscar and good luck in the finals.
VHAP Achievers – In recognition of their ability in either English or Maths, 20 of our students have been offered places next term in the Victorian High-Ability Program.
In the English program, Oliver Allen, Josh Anderson, Billie Bellett, Frieda Coleman, Momoka Finger, Jiah Jimeno, Eva Perrizolo, Astri Robinson, Eden Spark, Yindi Twohig and Charli Walters will participate in the ten-week course.
In the Maths program Eli Baldwin, Eli Jarred, Lily Jones, River Noonan, Jovan Todorovic, Gideon Tran and Stefanie Wendler will participate.
UNSW Test Awards - We are very proud of all our Monty South students who participated in the 2021, ICAS (UNSW) assessments in term 4 last year. Students from Years 3-6 completed English, Mathematics and Science assessments, demonstrating their personal best with excellent results. We look forward to seeing many of our students participating in ICAS later in 2022. The 2021 results can be found in the attachment.
The Resilience Project
The Resilience Project parent and community webinar will be held with Hugh van Cuylenburg on Wednesday 6th April, 6.30pm-8.00pm (90 minutes). During this presentation, Hugh will share his experiences and combine them with practical strategies that can be implemented every day to improve our overall wellbeing.
Parents will need to register using the following registration link:
NAPLAN (National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy)
This year, NAPLAN will be conducted online, except for Year 3 Writing, which will be completed with pen and paper. We participated in a series of readiness tests to ensure the school and the state have capacity to conduct these tests successfully. We are very pleased to say that our involvement in the practises demonstrate we are well equipped for completing NAPLAN online in May. There is a public demonstration site which offers opportunity for familiarisation with the types of questions and related functionalities available in the online NAPLAN assessment. Our schedule for completing NAPLAN at MSPS is as follows; Tuesday 10 May @ 9.30am - Writing - Year 3: pen and paper Year 5: online Wednesday 11 May @ 9.30am - Reading - Year 3 & 5: online Thursday 12 May @ 9.30am - Language Conventions - Year 3 & 5: online Friday 13 May @ 9.30am - Numeracy - Year 3 & 5: online
COVID update
We have been advised that we will be receiving another intake of air purifiers. These additional machines will allow further air purification in learning areas around the school during the cooler months when classroom windows and doors will need to be closed.
In some other news, students and staff who have tested positive for Covid 19, and have completed their 7-day isolation period, now do not need to undertake screening for 8 weeks. This was previously 30 days.
Kindness Week
Last week was Kindness Week and across the school. We promoted ‘upstander’ behaviours, which means standing up for others including them. Students were asked to show positive behaviours and culture around our school. Both staff and students were encouraged to complete secret acts of kindness this week.
Parents’ and Friends’ Easter Raffle
Thanks to everyone for your wonderful and generous donations last week for the Easter hampers. The Parents’ and Friends’ volunteers have prepared over 30 fantastic hampers. We received donations of chocolate (lots of chocolate!), wine, other delicious food items as well as gift vouchers, Easter novelties and crafts. Our major prizes include a 12 month Multi City Entertainment Book subscription worth $120, two $85 family passes to the Comedy Festival show, “Mr SnotBottom’s Stinky, Silly, Show”, a voucher for a local beauty salon, a Boots and Barley café voucher and more. Find more information about the major prizes go to the MSPS Parents & Friends Facebook page.
You can now purchase tickets online via CompassTix. Click here:, scan the QR code on the posters around the school or find the link on the P&F Facebook page. Tickets will be on sale until Wednesday 6th April 2022.
Easter Bonnet Parade Prep - Year2
This will be held on Thursday 7th April, commencing at 9:30 am for our Prep-Year 2 students. The parade will be held on the school oval weather permitting. Parents are welcome to attend and watch the fun. Please remember mask are advised if outdoors and compulsory indoors. Proof of vaccination status is required.
There will be 3 awards per class issued
- Self-Made Award
- Most Colourful Award
- Most Unique Award
At the conclusion of the Parade which usually takes around 45 minutes, the rest of the school joins us for the drawing of the Parents’ and Friends’ Easter raffle.
Junior School Concert 2022
BEYOND THE BEANSTALK - SAVE these dates in your diary!
We are excited to announce this year’s Junior Concert (Years 1-3); it is scheduled for:
- Tuesday June 21st if your child’s surname starts with the letters A-K
- Wednesday June 22nd if your child’s surname starts with the letters L-Z.
NOTE: ALL Lead Performers perform on both nights.
WHERE: Planetshakers, 360 Main Rd. Lower Plenty Rd, Eltham.
Students will be provided with costume accessories for their act, but families will still need to provide some items of clothing. You can find the list of costume requirements in this attachment:
Royal Children's Hospital Fundraiser
Oli Lee from 3B held his toy stall fundraising for the Royal Children’s Hospital Good Friday Appeal this week. Oli’s Mum said that “it felt like Myer when the doors open on Boxing Day. Oli and his two friends had so much fun working the stall and I think the other students had fun 'shopping'”.
Oli would like to say a big thanks to all the families who donated quality used toys & games, and to the children who shopped at the stalls and gave these toys a new life. Together we raised over $270 for the Royal Children’s Hospital! Thanks to Leanne & staff for supporting it, and to Oli’s friends who helped sell toys at the stalls
PS. We sold out of items fairly quickly on the second day; sorry to the kids who missed out…
Hamilton the Musical – a brush with fame
When the Jimeno Family went to see the Hamilton performance recently, they happened to eat in the same restaurant as some of the cast. What luck!
Term 1 dismissal
Students will finish school at 2.30pm, Friday 8th April with the return for Term 2 being Tuesday 26th April.
We hope everyone enjoys a restful and relaxing holiday break with family and friends.
Leanne Sheean
Montmorency South Primary School acknowledges traditional owners of country throughout Australia and recognises the continuing connection to lands, waters and communities. We pay our respect to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures and to elders both past, present and future.
‘Montmorency South is an inclusive learning community where students are inspired to be respectful, creative, curious and independent learners.’
Our Belief:
We believe that every person in our Montmorency South school community has the capacity to assist each student in attaining our vision.
Motto - Together we learn, lead and achieve