
Our F/1 students have been introduced to procedural texts in both Spanish and English. They have been learning about the verbs and materials in Spanish involved in the making of a sequenced craft learning experience. As a result, they created an octopus made out of paper where they also practised their listening and Spanish skills.

In Inquiry, we introduced the topic for the term: We like to move it, move it. Students have has opportunities to explore the concepts of push, pull, roll, slide, move, dry, wet, smooth and rough in Spanish through multiple hands-on activities. During English Inquiry, our students have had the fortune to experience the making of popcorns and they discussed all the senses involved in the process.


 Our students' beloved mums should expect a well made and thoughtful gift that our students have proudly worked on. WE HOPE YOU LIKE IT!


Throughout the week, we could sense the excitement of the Cross Country running day. Big shoutout to Raúl who has been preparing and training them for the day. 


                                      Happy Mother´s day! Feliz día de la madre!