Spur One Another On


In Term One we had a BOOM day built around the theme ‘Kindness Culture’. I remember talking to some students about this and asking who is responsible for building a culture of kindness, to which one student rightly replied, it is upon all of us to make that happen. And, so while we spent a day focusing on kindness and encouraging students to consider how they could be kind, it is important to recognize that it is not a one day thing. For it to become part of the culture it needs to be a daily habit, something that we practice and live out every day.


As staff and as parents, we are in a unique position to influence the students in our community and to set the example and teach them how we want them to live with one another. Coming off the back of lockdowns and not being together, it is all the more important that we are training our young people to care for one another, to share with one another and to encourage and build each other up. We need each other, we need to know that those we are living, working and playing with have got our backs and are there to support us and help us through each day.


Hebrews 10:23 says ‘And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, … but encouraging one another …'


We do need to make a deliberate effort to look for ways to encourage others, to spur them on, so that they will be encouraged to do the same. By doing this in our homes, our schools and our communities, we can build a culture of kindness, where everyone feels valued and loved.


So, as we start a new term, let’s make every effort to be kind, to encourage, to build each other up and ‘spur one another on’. 


It can start with a smile and a kind word. Try it today.