Grade 5/6

Friday Expo

This term, our students have been researching and exploring our Integrated Studies topic, Earth and Space Sciences. Our students have planned and created a project from their selected sub topic within our studies. We wish to invite any Parents or Guardians to visit on Friday morning from 9:15-10:30 and see our finish work. We understand this will not suit everyone, but students will have the opportunity to display their work to the other classes in the school at this time. 


Bunnings Fundraiser - Canberra Camp

Dear Parents and Guardians,

This year we have successfully secured a Bunning BBQ day to raise money for our students to attend Canberra Camp. This is a great opportunity to raise important and well needed funds to subsidise the cost of the camp. 


Our date is Sunday 15th May.


Thank you to the families who have already contacted me and volunteered.


We are still on the look out for some volunteers to help out cook the BBQ throughout the day. If you are interested, please contact Mr Ward with your availability, shifts will run for 2 hours from 8am to 4pm.



Well done!

Well done to ALL Grade 5/6s that represented the school at Llanberris on Monday. Mr Wright and Mr Ward were very proud of all efforts and how all students carried themselves that day. It was great to see the amount of improvement and success students had, especially the students who put in the hard work training for their events leading to the athletics. This just demonstrates, hard work pays off!