Education in Faith

Sunday 1st May – 3rd Sunday of Easter 

Gospel- John 20: 19-31 ‘

After eight days, Jesus came in and stood among them.’ 

Jesus has died and has risen from the dead. The readings on Sunday talk about the early days of the church and how the apostles were following in the footsteps of Jesus and how more and more people wanted to join them. The Christian church was very new and starting to grow.



Dear Jesus,

Thank you for giving us new life through your resurrection. 

May Easter be a time of light and joy for our family 

and may we work together to be your followers in all that we do.

We rejoice that you are with us always.




First Eucharist Dates

Please note the dates for the First Eucharist. All of these events will be held at St Christopher's school and church:


First Eucharist Presentation of Candidates - Sunday 5th June 10:30am


First Eucharist Family Evening - Thursday 9th June 7:30pm


First Eucharist Reflection Day - Friday 17th June 9-3:30pm


First Eucharist – Sunday 19th June 10:30am