Year 4 Spotlight

Year 4 Camp
We all had a fantastic time at Mt Evelyn YMCA camp last week. We would like to say a really big thank you to the parents and extra teachers who volunteered their time to come and help us, without these people camp would not have been possible. Here are some of our highlights:
On Tuesday and Wednesday, most of Grade 4 had the time of their lives at the YMCA, Mt. Evelyn Camp.
I arrived at school with my huge bags. My friends arrived shortly after. We were so excited, we were literally jumping with joy!
~ Patrick T, 4C
My group went to the flying fox first. I was so excited and nervous at the same time. First, we got all our harnesses and helmets on, and then we started the long walk there. It took a while, but we finally got there. It was a long time waiting for my turn but it finally came. I was jittery with nerves. Joel gave me a pep talk about not to look down.
I walked up the ladder feeling afraid about the flying fox. Once I was on it, I felt as free as a bird.
~ Eliza H, 4C
My favourite part of Mt Evelyn was the giant swing. It was super fun. There were two 18-metre poles and they attached you to a strap. You went to the top of one of the poles and when you pulled a blue string you swung down. It was a bit scary but then it was super fun.
The second-best thing was easily the food. There was cake, burgers, chicken, pancakes, hash browns, toast, rice pops and cookies. It was the best camp ever.
~ Ash D, 4B
We went to Mount Evelyn, it was about a 45 minute drive there. It was surrounded by lots of tall gum trees. At the start of the day I was very nervous. My friends helped me throughout the day though. My favourite activity was the zip line because it felt like I was flying. The food was 10/10 and the beds were pretty comfortable.
~ Heidi C, 4B
It was time for the flying fox. We walked up to the zipline, our harness clicking in time with our step.
When we got there, I waited patiently for my turn. When it was my turn, it was great. It felt like I was flying. I whooshed through the air like a superhero, and landed well. It was so fun!
~ Charlie P, 4A
This was the day. No, I don't mean any ordinary day, I mean CAMP!
I had just woken up, not realising it was camp. Getting ready was not easy since I was so excited (bouncing up and down).
As I got onto the bus I felt a weird tingling sensation. I was so excited, yet there was a light bit of fear in my soul. Whether or not, I just knew that we were almost there! Everyone was screaming... CAMP!
~ Penny K, 4A
~ Year 4 Teachers (Chiara, Jade & Elise) and Students