Assistant Principal's Report

Successful Start
What a magnificent start to term two we have had so far! Students and staff returned from the break on Tuesday, due to ANZAC day falling on the Monday. This important day was acknowledged differently across the school.
Below you will see a short video of one of our Year 6 students reading a haiku poem he wrote about the ANZACs.
Our Year 4 students went on an overnight camp on Tuesday to Mt Evelyn. This was their first school camp and for some, the first time sleeping away from family. As I walked around the school on Thursday, I saw many tired but happy faces in the Year 4 classrooms!
Foundation students have recommenced their PMP sessions this term (images below). It was lovely to see our parents helping at the different stations and I was impressed with how well the students were able to work cooperatively as they participated in each of the activities, and how supportive they were to each other as they waited their turn.
Staffing and Planning
As we start a new term, I would like to acknowledge how flexible and resilient our school community has proven to be. It can be tough when staff are absent and students have a different teacher to get used to… and tougher when there are no replacements available and absences have to be managed within school by altering programs and timetables!
I would like to remind families that although there may be times your child has a different teacher, our teachers plan in teams so students will work on the pre-determined content, regardless of who is teaching them. The same teaching model is used across the school to ensure that students across and within year groups receive cohesion and consistency in the delivery of lessons. We also aim to ensure all students are engaged and challenged so that they experience continual learning growth.
Lunchtime Clubs
Next week will see the introduction of lunchtime clubs.
These clubs provide students, who might want a break from the yard, with different opportunities. These clubs are open to all students and are supervised by teachers from 1 – 1.30pm. Our clubs for this term include:
- Monday – Catch Up French, Library
- Wednesday – Student Voice Team, Dance Club, Eco Club
- Thursday – Catch Up Art
- Friday – Drawing Club
~ Sarah Abbott, Assistant Principal