Principal's Report

Welcome Back!
What a terrific start to term two we have had. We are only six days in and already we have had our Year 4 students enjoying their overnight camp, Year 1 preparing and baking ANZAC biscuits, our Artist in Residence (Corrin McNamara) working with all the students on print-making, and Year 3 – 6 students taking part in cross country practice.
I have been so impressed by the way that the students have returned. It is clear to see that the experience of having a full term one at school has made the transition into this new term easier. The first week bodes well for the rest of the term as we look forward to many more exciting weeks at school.
Year 4 Camp
This term certainly started with a bang for our Year 4 students. Last Tuesday morning they arrived eagerly anticipating their first school camp. There was a synchronous cheer when the buses arrived as the excitement and planning of the last few months bore reality.
I heard fantastic reports about how well the camp went, and how splendidly the students represented the school. From hut-building to the giant swing, and the flying fox to the ropes course, the students challenged themselves and supported one another to gain new skills and memories to last a lifetime.
Thank you to the teachers; Jade, Elise, Chiara, Steph and Sophie, and to the parent helpers, Alan Koh, Maree Nowak, and Tamlin Staples for their support and attendance.
Bike Theft
Unfortunately, last week a bike was stolen from the LSC bike shed during the school day. Soon after the bike being reported stolen, we realised that a hole had been cut in the Fairfield Rd fence, which we assume the thief used to enter and exit the school grounds. This hole has since been repaired.
Whilst we would expect that bikes can be stored safely during the school day, I encourage students to lock their bikes (on both campuses) when dropping them off in the morning.
Vanessa Hamilton—Talking the Talk
I am delighted to announce that the school will start working alongside Vanessa Hamilton this term. Vanessa is a sexuality educator who comes highly recommended to support our school community about matters including:
- Healthy & respectful relationships
- Body & protective safety
- What Is normal early childhood sexual behaviour
- How babies are made and born
- Puberty preparation
- Internet safety and our sexualised society
Our work with Vanessa includes:
- An online parent presentation (via Zoom) on Wednesday 1st June, from 8 – 9:30pm.
- Bookings are essential – register here.
- A professional learning session with staff.
- Online resources, including a virtual classroom supporting the teaching of Human Sexuality, Consent and Respectful Relations for Foundation – Year 6.
This is the beginning of a long-term involvement in Sexuality, Consent and Respectful Relationships partnership with Vanessa. Once staff have been provided with the initial training, we will plan for its rollout across the school.
School Tours – 2023 Foundation Families
Our school tours will be starting in a couple of weeks and will run throughout May. If you have friends or family who may be interested in sending their child to FPS next year, let them know that they can register a school tour here.
Enrolment forms for 2023 Foundation students are to be submitted by Friday 24 June – this is the last day of term two. Click to see the enrolment process and form.
Mother's Day / Special Person's Breakfast – Friday 6 May
We look forward to hosting our Mother's Day/Special Person’s Breakfast this Friday.
The event runs from 7:30 – 8:45am, by the gym foyer. As well as breakfast there’ll be time to chat with other parents/carers, and an activity for children to do with their mum/special person.
We have a bunch of willing volunteers ready to cook up egg and bacon rolls – as well as vegetarian, vegan and gluten-free options.
Each item costs $5 and cash and card are accepted. Remember to bring your keep-cup too as a coffee van will also be onsite.
Musicals Trivia Night—Tickets on Sale Tonight
The FPS Trivia Night is scheduled for Saturday 21 May, from 6:30 – 11pm at the Thornbury Theatre – 859 High Street, Thornbury. Our trivia nights are always a fun night out with funds raised from the event and corresponding silent auction going to support our Performing Arts program.
Tickets go on sale tonight at 8pm. Set your alarm and get in fast – it’s always a sell-out event!
Long Service Leave
I will be heading home to see my family in England later this term, therefore will be on long service leave from Wednesday 25 May until the end of term. All my family live in (or close to) my hometown of Liverpool, and this will be the first time that I have seen them in over five years – in fact, my six year old was 6 months when she last met them, and it will be the first time that my 4 year old has met her nana, aunties, uncles and cousins!
Sarah Abbott will be Acting Principal during this time, with Nicole Rettke and Daniel Arnavas in the roles of Acting Assistant Principals.
Wishing everyone a wonderful rest of the week.
~ Paul Wallace, Principal