
Electronic Noticeboard

We currently have a technical issue with our electronic noticeboard at the front of the school. We are waiting for technicians to rectify the issue so that we can update the current displayed information.

Family Statements 

Family statements have been emailed out today. A reminder that negative figures indicate a credit for your family. Also transactions processed so far this week may not yet show on the statement.

Please contact the office for any queries regarding your account.


Families who hold a current, valid Health Care Card may be eligible to apply for the Camps, Sports & Excursion (CSEF) Allowance of $125 per student. If you successfully applied for CSEF in 2021, you do NOT need to complete an application form in 2022 unless there has been a change in your family circumstances (ie Foundation student starting school). Please come to the Office to collect an application form which needs to be completed and returned together with a copy of your Health Care Card (we can copy it in the office). Please return forms ASAP. 

For more information see

Family Details

Can all families please let the office know as soon as possible if you have had any changes to family details such as new student medical conditions, address, phone number, email, work location etc.

Thank you.