Student Leadership News

Wear Blue for World Oceans Day

The 'i sea i care' Ambassadors would like to say thank you to all students who participated in our very first fundraiser to celebrate World Oceans Day. We raised $352 which is amazing! All funds have been donated to the Dolphin Research Institute.

'i sea i care' Excursion

On Thursday the 9th June we went on a very wet but extremely interesting excursion to Endeavour Hills and Frog Hollow Reserve as part of our ambassador program. 

Our first stop was in Endeavour Hills to see a litter trap emptied. Did you know there are 140 litter traps around Melbourne? They catch all the rubbish that flows into our drains. We were shocked to see so many coffee cups, cans, bottles and plastics in the trap. It really showed us that we have to be so careful of how we dispose of our rubbish. It would be even better if we reduced the amount of single use plastics that we use. 

At Frog Hollow we definitely left our mark by planting 200 trees! We also carried out some water testing in the stream, this showed that the water was very polluted which is not good for the macro invertebrates that live there.  

Please take care of our environment and make sure you dispose of any rubbish you have correctly.

Charlie, Mia, Tegan and Arizona.


Please take a look at our 'i sea i care' newsletter by clicking on this link: 



Crazy Hair Day (SCC news)

Thank you to all students who participated in our Crazy Hair Day this year. All Money raised from this day will be going towards helping the Cystic Fibrosis Federation in Australia provide vital support to those suffering from Cystic Fibrosis.  


It was great to see so many CRAZY hair designs around the school. What a great way to end Term 2. We are looking forward to what next term will bring.