Safety & First Aid News 



School holidays provide a time for children to take a break from learning, for families to spend time together, and sometimes, travel near and far for holiday breaks.


Here are our top tips to staying safe and healthy during school holidays.

  1. Practise good hand hygiene – wash your hands and your kids’ hands often and properly, and carry hand sanitiser for times when soap and water isn’t available.
  2. Cover coughs and sneezes with a clean tissue or your elbow.
  3. Stay at home when you’re sick, even with a sniffle, and stay away from others who are unwell.
  4. Plan ahead so that you understand how restrictions might affect places you plan to visit.
  5. Remember that you know your family best – plan activities that will work for you and your family’s health.
  6. Enjoy your holidays and we will see you back at CSPS in Term 3.