Principal Class News

As the sunset over Cranbourne South Primary School this afternoon, we locked the door of the old building for the very last time.


I reflected on how much of my life has been spent at Cranbourne South and the mixed feelings I had when I walked out of the building this afternoon for the very last time. It is a time of reflection of:

 - how much fun has been had within these walls  (if they could talk!)

- how many students the school has nurtured and supported

-where has all of that time gone?

It is also a time of sadness and anticipation of what the future holds as the school heads into a new chapter in the new building. Today was a day to commemorate the past, celebrate the present and imagine the future!


The spirit of Cranbourne South Primary School and the strength of the school community will live on in the Murrup building.


Enjoy the holidays everyone. See the Buildings and Grounds page for important details about the building demolition.


Karen Halket - Assistant Principal

School parking 

What is in the schools control?

It has come to our attention some shared frustrations from parents in relative to parking.


What does the school have jurisdiction of?

The role of the school is to ensure the safety of employees, students, contractors and visitors WITHIN the school setting, which includes safe use of car spaces within the boundary of the school, which is a dedicated staff carpark.  


CSPS has developed the safest and smoothest Kiss and Go process that is possible, but is always open to suggestions.   

Any parent who parks in the staff carpark and/or uses the Kiss and Go in an unsafe manner, will be asked to exit and/or will be restricted to use the Kiss and Go.


The role of the CSPS traffic staff is to ensure the safety of all users, most importantly children.  All users are asked to :

  • place an A4 clearly marked sign of the family being picked up, to easily identify the car to child/ren
  • wait patiently - do not overtake
  • be kind to staff who are working as quickly as possible
  • turn left out of the carpark, to ensure safe use of the Kiss and Go for ALL users 

Over several years, Principal class and CSPS School Council have collaborated extensively with the City of Casey to find solutions. CSPS works directly with the Senior Traffic Engineer to problem solve different strategies including number of carparks, disabled access and traffic flow.   Any suggestions by adults are to be forwarded directly to the City of Casey.


There is a rumour that CSPS has been offered the neighbours land to build a carpark.  This is untrue and DET have no obligation to provide a parent carpark.


With the completion of the major building construction, the number of tradespeople vehicles will dramatically lessen in Term 3, which will aid in the number of available car spaces to the public.


What does the school NOT have jurisdiction of?  The school has limited jurisdiction of what happens outside the school gates.   We do not have control of:

  • road users abiding by laws such as speeding, stopping on pedestrian crossings or blocking a roundabout
  • installation of parking signs 
  • parking by-laws 
  • patrolling by authorities
  • issuing infringements
  • adults behaving badly eg. road rage

Every school has challenges with parking eg. the need to arrive early to ascertain a legal park or parking and walking to school. 

CSPS is no exception.


Please be assured that CSPS continually monitors and assesses what they have jurisdiction of and/or control of and implements strategies accordingly.  We share in your frustration but can only work within our means.

Everyone deserves to feel safe at work

When parents, carers and school staff work together as one team, our students do better. Everyone at school, particularly staff and parents/carers, play a role in making school a better place for learning and work.

Parents, carers and school staff have a relationship that can last many years. This is an opportunity to work together to create a positive relationship in the best interests of the child. When this relationship is built on respect and trust, students learn better and feel like they belong in the school.


Every member of our school community has a right to feel safe and be protected.

The Department of Education and Training has released the Respectful Behaviours within the School Community Policy that describes the positive behaviour expected from parents, carers, and other adults in Victorian school communities. The policy sets clear standards of behaviour to create a safe, respectful, and inclusive learning environment for students, staff and adults.

There are also resources to support safe and respectful relationships in our school community, including information about getting involved in the school, advice on how to raise a concern or complaint, and parenting support resources. You can find the new policy and these resources here.

You may also see a new poster up around our school, promoting positive behaviour.

For more information on how to engage positively with our school, please contact [the school.

The CSPS Complaints Policy provides an outline of the complaints process so that students, parents and members of the community are informed of how they can raise complaints or concerns about issues arising at our school.  All complaints and concerns are managed in a timely, effective, fair and respectful manner.


Child Safe:  Creating a culturally safe environment

The new Child Safe standards commence 1st July.  There are 11 standards.  The first standard is explicit to Victoria.

(specific to Victoria) 

Actions schools must take

To comply with this standard, at minimum, schools must encourage and actively support a child or student’s ability to express their culture and enjoy their cultural rights in the following ways:

  • equip staff, students, volunteers and the school community to acknowledge and appreciate the strengths of Aboriginal culture and understand its importance to the well being and safety of Aboriginal children and students
  • adopt measures to ensure racism is identified, confronted and not tolerated
  • address any instances of racism within the school environment with appropriate consequences
  • actively support participation and inclusion in the school by Aboriginal children, students and their families
  • ensure school policies, procedures, systems and processes together create a culturally safe and inclusive environment and meet the needs of Aboriginal children, students and their families
  • develop and endorse a policy or statement detailing the strategies and actions the school will take.

What a success our Student Lead conferences have been this week with 60% of our students leading conversations with their families about their learning. Students have also been able to share their learning goals with other students.

Community feedback 

Thank you for giving your time today for the student led conferences. We had a wonderful time.   Our child was so excited to show us their work and how to do some of the activities.  We all thoroughly enjoyed ourselves.  


Semester 1 reports went out last Friday for parents to read. Please check Compass for your child's report.


The CSPS concert is fast approaching with Tuesday 9 August just a few short weeks away.


The concert is held at the Frankston Arts Centre with tickets going on sale when we return to school in Term 3. Tickets will be limited for each family and will be $22.50.


All students will be attending a rehearsal on this day at the Frankston Arts Centre - a notice for this will also be sent home the first week in Term 3. Cost for transport to the Arts Centre will be approximately $10.  Students will return to school at approximately 1.30 pm for a 2.30 pm early dismissal. (TheirCare will be providing after school care from this time if needed).