From the Principal 

Mrs Cathy Ferrari

Dear St Mary Families,


A very warm welcome back to everyone for what promises to be an action packed term. The weather over Easter was superb and I hope everyone was able to experience some sunshine and warm weather. After Lent and Holy Week, my Easter Sunday consisted of an ecumenical Dawn service. Each year this involves a number of different Christian Church members celebrating the Easter Dawn at the beach. We assemble in the darkness gathered in tapered candle light and as the liturgy proceeds we turn towards the rising sun after renewing our Baptismal vows. Watching the sun rise above the water line on the horizon and still being able to see the moon is always a moment of experiencing God’s grace and the hope of the risen Christ. 


I would like to share with each of you the blessing that concluded our liturgy:


The everlasting love of the God of life surround you;

The presence of the risen Christ give you hope;

The strength of the Spirit bring you sustenance;

Go in peace with the strength of this God. 





Whilst it was great having a long weekend, this year Anzac Day had a renewed layering of meaning, as we were able to experience it with others outside our ‘bubble’. Each year we gather on our national day of remembrance in Australia and New Zealand, to commemorate all Australian and New Zealanders who served and died in all wars, conflicts and peacekeeping operations. The situation in the Ukraine calls on us all to pray for world peace and for all of those within our community who are impacted by this conflict. Attending one of the football matches and experiencing the pre game Anzac service, we were all very aware of those men and women around the world currently experiencing conflict and the fragility of peace.  Our Year 3 students under the leadership of our Faith Leader Carmel Vozzo led us all in a moving and prayerful Easter celebration and Anzac Day liturgy. Our children are to be congratulated on their presentation of these liturgies and the reverence shown from all of those in the audience. Living our faith is an integral part of being in the St Mary’s community and our faith was experienced by each of us last Tuesday.  

We also pray for our students in Years 3 and 4 making their Sacrament of Reconciliation next week. We pray that they grow and develop a deeper relationship with God, as they reflect upon their choices and decisions and the impact they have on others. When we turn away from others or hurt others we are turning away from God. Reconciliation gives us the opportunity to turn back towards God’s love and those around us. 


With Our deepest sympathy 

We pray for our member of staff Catherine Le Hunt, her husband Phil and daughters Chelsea and Georgia with the passing of Janet; Phil’s mother. We want them to know that you are all in our prayers at this sad time.


We also pray for Bernadette Milne (St Mary’s Parish Pastoral Worker ) and wish her a speedy recovery from an accident over Easter. Bernadette works closely with us at school as we prepare the children for their sacraments and class masses and has worked within the Parish for several years. It is always a privilege to be working with Bernadette and we hope to see her back soon. We will make some cards with the children and send them to her, to brighten her days. She has a long background in education and takes delight in working with us to support each child within our school and parish.  



On the last Friday of term, we were thrilled to announce our Year 6 School Leaders for this year. Our Prep to Year 5 SRC leaders were also announced. Please see further into the newsletter for this list and we congratulate each one and look forward to working in partnership with them. The badges will be issued at tomorrow's assembly.


It was great seeing everyone well dressed in their summer uniform for our photos today. We look forward to seeing the end products soon. 


We wish our Year 5 and 6 soccer players all the best for their Lightning Premiership Day tomorrow. We thank Ange Mason, Simon Addicoat, Ian Scott and Paula Incretolli for organising this. 


Next Thursday it is with great excitement that we celebrate the opening of our refurbished building. I would like to thank Anna Heta, Anthony Speranza, Daniela Borgese,  Sandra Renehan, all the staff and Di Snappe for their work in creating this celebration.   We are working with the children for this celebration and many of the dignitaries invited are available to attend. The students are learning about the importance and significance of the Welcome to Country and everyone attending will have the opportunity to experience a Smoking Ceremony. Father Jerome will then bless the school and this will be followed by presentations by our School leaders and SRC students. At the conclusion of the ceremony families and guests will be able to walk through our new learning spaces.  An invitation will be sent out through Operoo for a response from those parents or carers who will be attending. This allows us to have seats ready for the ceremony. Everyone is most welcome, especially toddlers and babies.


Farewell  and welcome 

Next week we farewell Anna Heta as she starts her  maternity leave. We wish Anna, her husband Dean and little Archie all the best and can’t wait to hear their exciting news. We welcome back Mrs Stephanie Schultz from her maternity leave as she rejoins the staff in the role of Literacy Intervention teacher. Paula Incretolli will resume her role as Literacy Leader and we thank her for this. On a Wednesday Paula will enact her Literacy role and Mrs Rosemary Perri will teach Year 6. Rosemary currently teaches one day in Year 1 and Year 2, and taught in Year 6 last year.


Mother's/ Special Friends Day 

We look forward to our Mother’s Day/Special Friends morning tea next Friday 6th May at 7:30am. The Parents and Friends Association are in full swing organising a lovely morning. We wish all the women carers in our lives a special day Sunday week. We thank God for the times in which we live and all the experiences and opportunities that are available to women.  We also thank God for the female carers in our lives who look after for us,  inspire us, laugh with us, cry with us and love us. 


NAPLAN 2022 

In the weeks of the 9th May to 20th May Year 3 and Year 5 students will undertake NAPLAN. This is a nationally based assessment consisting of Reading, Writing, Language Conventions and Numeracy. These are online for all students in Years 3, Year5, Year 7 and Year 9. The Year 3 students are handwriting their Writing assessment. 

Writing 10th May

Year 3: 40 minutes

Year 5: 42 minutes

Reading 11th May

Year 3: 45 minutes

Year 5: 50 minutes

Conventions of Language 12th May

Year 3: 45 minutes

Year 5: 45 minutes

Numeracy 16th May

Year 3: 45 minutes

Year 5: 50 minutes

Here at St Mary’s Primary School each child in Year 3 and 5 have the opportunity to sit each assessment. This is one set of assessment data amongst many that we use to monitor each child and design our explicit targeted teaching. The data from NAPLAN is an effective tool as we explore our school wide Literacy and Numeracy trends and how we are tracking within each component of these areas. We thank Daniela Borgese our eLearning Leader, Anthony Speranza and Scott Bauer, our ICT provider for supporting our new online format. 


I look forward to seeing many of you next Thursday at the school opening.  Anthony Speranza will outline our new COVID guidelines on the Deputy page, but it is fantastic that we are opening up and gathering again as a community in person. 


Take care and peace and God’s blessing to each of you, 
