Principal's Message

St Luke's... "nurturing faith filled, curious children to become creative contributors and innovative problem solvers for a changing world."

Earlier this week I was discussing the meaning of the Easter season with a dear friend. Quoting a learned colleague of theirs, my friend stated, “Everything we need to know about Easter, we could learn from Christmas”. They went on to explain…

I can hear you say that is a bit crazy but I will do my best to explain. Firstly, everything Jesus does reveals how God is present to us in our lives, even today! And secondly, when Jesus responds to situations and people in His life, He shows how we are to respond to God’s presence in our lives.

Fr Richard Rohr reminds us that Jesus never said “Worship me.” Jesus actually said, “ Follow me.” From the time Jesus was born to his earthly death, God is revealed. 

God, our creator, chose to become fully human, a vulnerable baby, born to a woman in a poor family, in a stable because there was no room in the inn. There was no room in the inn, but God came anyway.

Today, life is complex and messy; however, the Gracious Mystery we call God comes anyway. God is born in our hearts. As Hugh Mackay says, humans are inherently kind. To find the kindness of God in our hearts James Finley encourages us to leave the inn and find the stable through the darkness. We have to enter into humility, patience and simplicity. 

I reflect, at Easter I am reminded how to live a good and simple life.

Father Richard Rohr (mentioned earlier) also highlights how great love and great suffering leads to spiritual transformation. He stresses great suffering is the usual path for this transformation. Therefore, spirituality is about honouring the human journey, loving it and living it in all its wonders and tragedy.

Paula Darcy says “God comes to you disguised as your life”! Christianity shows us how to give away our life, our love & eventually, our death. If we can do this, we will be connected to the world, all other creatures, and & God, Our Gracious Mystery.

Ultimately, we are here to learn to love because God is love.

Happy Easter!


Mr Greg Miller

Principal Leader