Classroom News

Class 4/5 with Kathryn

In 4/5K students did a wonderful job presenting their personal recount writing pieces at our school assembly recently.


Together we have been learning to plan our recount writing for success and include important structural elements including an interesting and appropriate title, an opening paragraph which is entertaining and grabs the reader’s attention, essential information in the body (who, what, where, when and why) including time connectives, and a conclusion which summarises the events and includes feelings and thoughts about what occurred. 


We brainstormed ideas and then used a planning templates to help map out our writing. Students worked through the five step process of; plan, write, revise, edit and publish.



Athletics with Steph

Years 3 and 4 Roller-Skating



Class 1/2 with Anna

This term in 1/2 we have been learning about prehistoric animals. Students have discovered the external features of modern and prehistoric animals. We learnt how animals have different types of teeth to eat diverse types of food, and where these food sources could be found in prehistoric times. 

This week students designed and made a shield inspired by the features that helped dinosaurs to defend themselves. As a surprise for the children (and the school) I organised a dinosaur to come to see if their designs could defend themselves using their shield.