Education in Faith

 Fourth Sunday in Lent – Year C

“While he was still a long way off, his father caught sight of him, and was filled with compassion. He ran to his son, embraced him and kissed him.”



This week is the Fourth Sunday of Lent. It is traditionally called Laetare Sunday. Laetare is a Latin word that means “rejoice.” The Gospel describes the reason for our joy: God's great love for us has been revealed in Jesus. Through his Passion, Death, and Resurrection, Christ has reconciled us with God and one another.

The readings remind us that God is always waiting for us to return to Him so we can receive the abundance of life he offers us. The first reading tells of how the Israelites celebrated Passover on the plains of Jericho. In the second reading Paul tells us to be reconciled to God. And in the gospel, Jesus tells the parable of the prodigal son, which is sometimes called the parable of the forgiving father.


The parable is unique to the Gospel of Luke. Jesus has been teaching the crowds as he journeys to Jerusalem. As he teaches, the Pharisees and scribes complain and challenge Jesus because he is welcoming sinners at his table. We hear the third of three parables that Jesus tells in response to his critics. These three familiar parables - The lost sheep, The lost coin, and the parable of The prodigal son - invite us to consider the depth of God's mercy and love.

Jesus reaches out to sinners while they are still sinners, inviting them to conversion through fellowship with him. Jesus is God acting among us; by befriending us, he is inviting us to return to friendship with God. Through friendship with Jesus, our sins are forgiven and we, in turn, bear fruit for God. Reflect on last Sunday's Gospel and the barren fig tree.


First, we must imagine our first response to the fearlessness of a son who asks for his inheritance before his father has died. Yet the father in this parable agrees to honour the son's request and divides his property between his two sons. How might we describe such a father? Foolish comes to mind, but so does trusting. Without property of his own, the father must rely upon his sons to provide for his well-being.


The younger son takes his inheritance and leaves home. The older son remains, continuing to provide for the father and the household. Having been disgraced by the younger son, the father spends some time watching the road for the return of the lost son. When he eventually sees his wayward son returning, the father not only welcomes him but also runs out to greet him and then honors him with a party. We say that this father is loving and forgiving. Yet these adjectives only begin to describe the depth of love and mercy that characterise the father.


We find no surprise in the anger of the older son. Yet the father appears sad and even confused by the older son's resentment. He says in reply that they should celebrate because the lost son had returned. The father is filled with gratitude and love for the older son's faithfulness. This love is in no way diminished by the father's rejoicing at the return of the younger son. Yet the older son's jealousy reveals his limited understanding of the depth of his father's love.


Our familiarity of this parable risks dulling us to its tremendously powerful message. We call this the parable of the lost son or the prodigal son. Any focus on the younger son, however, must also be balanced by an examination of the unusual behaviour of the father.


Sacramental News and Dates


Please note the following dates could change due to Covid -19 restrictions.


ReconciliationThank you to all families who attended the Family workshop.

Wednesday March 30th at 5:30 pm at St. Kevin’s Parish


First EucharistParent and Child Workshop Tuesday 12th July 6 pm at SFS

Sunday July 17th at 11:00 am at St. Kevin’s Parish


ConfirmationParent and Child Workshop Tuesday 2nd August 6 pm at SFS

Thursday August 11th at 6:00 pm at St. Kevin’s Parish


Please pray for our children receiving their First Reconciliation on Wednesday, 30th March at St Kevin's.
Please pray for our children receiving their First Reconciliation on Wednesday, 30th March at St Kevin's.


Sacrament Levy

There is a $15 Sacrament Levy to cover the cost for:

  •  a guest speaker to conduct a Parent and Child Workshop for each Sacrament.
  • professionally made stoles. 
  • a candle for children receiving reconciliation.
  • children receiving First Eucharist and Confirmation to travel to St. Kevin’s Church for Reconciliation, Eucharist practice, and reflection day by bus.

This levy needs to be paid in full to the school in an envelope clearly indicating your child’s name, Home Group and name of Sacrament being received before or on the day of your Family Workshop Session.


God Bless

Rozeta Ambrose




We continue to focus on Lent and Project Compassion ‘For All Future Generations’. The story this week of who we assist through our donations is of Rosalie who lives in Congo, Africa. As a family you might like to watch one of the links below about Rosalie:




A Day in the Life of Rosalie


Rosalie’s Photo Story Book


What a great effort!!!      A total of $ 1, 117 collected so far!!       Thank you SFS!

House results so far:


1st       BOSCO                  $ 197.95

2nd      MACKILLOP       $ 151.10

3rd       PATRICK              $ 150.10

4th       TERESA               $ 100.50


Tuesday Mini Vinnies presented  Mia with ingredients for her baking efforts to raise money for Ukraine and $100 to go towards buying more ingredients. 


We have now decided that because of the generosity of SFS we are going to send the money collected through Project Compassion to three different causes:

  1. Caritas - Project compassion
  2. Flood victims - NSW and Queensland
  3. Ukraine People - through Mia's fundraising efforts

Families that have taken a Project Compassion box for home are reminded that they will need to be returned before the end of this term, preferably next week. Please return them to the office and make sure you let Lorenza or Vivienne know which House the money is going towards.


Also once again, I would like to thank Mini Vinnies for giving up their play times to assist with counting the money donated. I could not do it without them!!

As always a big thank you for your support,

Giuliana and Grade 5/6 Mini Vinnies

Baking up a storm for a good cause!!

Arriving at school this week it would have been hard not to miss the long line of children queuing up to buy yummy treats at Mia F’s Bake Sale!  


This has been a wonderful initiative, organised by Mia with the support of her family and Kristy, who have been baking and packing treats non stop all week! The support shown by our school community has been amazing with over $560 raised this week in sales. 

All money raised from the bake sale will go to the Ukrainian Crisis Appeal to support Ukrainian civilians and veterans.


The Bake Sale will continue to run for one more week so we hope that you can come along and buy a yummy treat and support this wonderful cause. 


Kristy and Mia