From the Principal

Standing Side By Side with Ukraine 

Every morning this week the Ukraine Bake Sale stall opened at 8:30am. Every morning a huge line of children and parents lined up with their gold coins and correct change. They wait patiently because it is worth the  wait. For on the table are the delicious treats for sale for just $1 or $2. Every morning in record time, the bake store is all sold out way before the music to head into morning gathering.


This amazing initiative makes us very proud as it was all the idea of one of our students Mia. Ukraine is very close to Mia's heart and she wanted to act and do something. With the support of our 'Rock Star' teacher Kristy they made a plan. Every night they commit to baking the delicious treats that go on sale. This is no easy task but they are invested in this important cause. Everyday they are thrilled by the support of our super sensational SFS community. They are so grateful for the support of those buying a cookie or cake, others making donations, some buying ingredients for the baking and still others now joining in and baking too. 


So far the efforts have raised over $1150 in just five days. The goal was to make it to $1000 by next Friday 1st April!! However, we have past that in one week. Amazing!! Let's aim for $2000!! Thanks to our P&F are donating $100.50 from the proceeds of today's icy-pole sales and another $100 to buy ingredients earlier this week. Each act of kindness energises our sensational Bake Sale organisers. The cause touches all our hearts and this is something positive we can all do. I am sure any support you can give to boost the sales in the final week will be so gratefully accepted. All money raised goes to Ukrainian Crisis Appeal.


So let's accelerate the effort and maybe surpass the new goal!! Come on SFS, let's get behind this cause and the great role models we have in Mia and Kristy. This is the Spirit in action. Let's #StandwithUkraine next week on this sacred ground and make a huge difference this Lent 2022.

Junior School FUN Night

The weather was a touch cooler on Wednesday evening but the sun came out to shine warmly on our faces as we gathered for our junior School Picnic. This event was organised by our School Advisory Council and it was great to see our Chairperson Brooke at SFS to welcome our families.


While numbers were not quite what Operoo had indicated, those that came had a FUN night. In fact no one wanted to leave as parents got to mingle and get to know each other. Children were having a fantastic time playing on the Adventure playground and also with a variety of sports equipment that was available. The P&F also had a special treat with all children receiving an icy-pole FREE from our P&F Vice President Melody. 


We all had a great time. We hope if you missed out this time, you will join us next time. It was great to finally hold events that help us make valuable connections and build community. A great positive Vibe at SFS!

Parent/ Teacher/Student Interviews

Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews Thursday, 7th April from 2.30 pm onwards.

Home Group CW - Chris Williams - Interviews Wednesday, 6th April from 2.30 pm 


Interviews will be face to face onsite in the Learning Spaces with teachers this Term. You are also able to book an interview with a specialist teacher if you wish to discuss your child’s progress. Specialist teachers may also book or request an interview with a parent regarding a child’s progress. Specialist interviews will be in Learning Space 2. 


The booking of appointment times will all be done online. Please click on the link below and follow the instructions on how to book an appointment with your child's Home Group teacher or Specialist Teacher. If all appointments are booked for a teacher you wish to see please contact your child’s teacher to make an alternative time.


Parent Teacher Interviews April 2022 - Booking Instructions


Each interview is allocated 15 minutes with your HOME GROUP TEACHER to enable you to discuss your child’s progress. Your child is also asked to attend, as their goal setting will be discussed at this time. Please wear a face mask to these interviews and you will need to show your vaccination certificate. 


Please note that even though Interviews will start at 2:30 p.m. students will not be dismissed until the usual time of 3:20 p.m. If you wish to collect your child/children between 2:30-3:20 will need to sign a release slip from the office. 


School Photos 

School Photos will be held on Tuesday, 5th April.  Order envelopes have been sent home with your child.  Full summer school uniform, including black shoes need to be worn on this day.

 CAR-PARK Reminder


Please remember the car-park is ONLY for STAFF cars. After drop off and before pick up times short term parking for visitors is available. However the Drop Off/Pick Up zone must be FREE of cars for the safety of children and to ensure the smooth movement of cars.


Have a great weekend and enjoy the end of summer.


Christine White
