Sowing the SEADs of Success

Parent Teacher Conversations: an opportunity to reflect
As we near the end of a very busy term, parent teacher conversations will be conducted next week from Reception to Year 12. This will allow us all time to pause and reflect on the many achievements and fun times the girls have had this term.
It has been a big start to the year with an 11 week term, many girls starting the year online and unexpected twists and turns with the impact of ongoing COVID. The girls have continued to thrive in their classroom and outside their classrooms - learning, growing, developing and finding many moments of fun along the way.
The highlights of the term have been the bigger events including the Swimming Carnival in both the Junior School and Senior Schools, Athletics Carnival for girls from Years 3 to 12, and the Year 5 and Year 7 camps that we were very fortunate to be able to attend. It has also been the smaller events including the start of summer sport finally in Week 5, Head of the River for rowers, Mock Trials beginning and so many other rich experiences the girls were involved with. Fun was also found in the everyday. The rich environment that is offered in every classroom has seen girls learn new skills, develop new relationships, build on existing friendships and continue to expand their thinking.
The parent teacher conversations will give us a chance to explore how our girls have grown academically, socially and emotionally this term. A letter was sent to parents earlier this week to outline the plan across the school as well as a link to book in.
Parent Teacher conversations will be held as follows:
Monday 11 April 4.15pm-8.30pm
Senior School (7-11 Mentor Teachers)
Tuesday 12 April 4.15pm-8.30pm
Junior School (R-6) + Music, Languages and PE specialist teachers
Senior School (Year 12 subject specific teachers)
Thursday 19 May 4.15pm-8.30pm
Senior School (Years 7-11 subject specific teachers) - further details to book 19 May will be sent closer to the time.
All conversations will be held via Zoom. Information on how to join will be forwarded to you with the confirmation of time in the coming days. Enjoy your conversations, reflection and celebration of your daughter’s growth and development this term.
Mrs Anna Partridge
Assistant Principal: Wellbeing and Engagement
Coronavirus is an ever-evolving international health concern. Around the world, people are being affected in many ways. Individuals of all ages from numerous nationalities are being diagnosed with the virus - it doesn’t discriminate. Although children are considered at lower risk of infection, they are not immune to the multitude of news reports regularly seen or heard in the media.
This epidemic is a cause for great concern to parents, but it is also very worrying to young people. Many are wondering how best to discuss this epidemic in a way that will be reassuring to kids without making them feel more worried than what they may be already. Parents should not avoid such a discussion with their kids. Not talking about something can often make them worry more.
Although most children will have already heard about the coronavirus, it is important for parents and caregivers to take this opportunity to convey the facts about it and set the emotional tone. This may help kids feel more informed and reassured. Involving them and encouraging self-efficacy can also give them a sense of control and purpose.
In this School TV Special Report, parents and caregivers will be provided with some guidelines on how best to approach this topic whilst still ensuring the wellbeing of their child.
Here is the link to your special report.
Please also check out the resources in ‘Managing Concerns about the Coronavirus (COVID-19)’ on Loreto Connect SEAD page.
If you do have any concerns about the wellbeing of your child, please contact your daughter’s ELC Educator, Classroom Teacher, or Head of Junior School and Early Learning Centre, or the relevant Leader of Student Wellbeing and Academic Care, or Mentor/Subject Teacher in the Senior School. You also are encouraged to seek medical or professional help.
Monica Bignold
College Psychologist R-12