From the Principal 

Dr Nicole Archard

Refresh and Renew

It is hard to believe that two years ago in 2020 school was finishing a week early due to the onset of Covid and when we waved goodbye to the girls, we actually didn’t know how long online learning was going to last and when we might see the girls again. I remember this day quite distinctly, the quietness of the playground when the girls left, and the sadness that staff and students felt at this time. On this last day of Term 1, 2020, the Year 12 girls presented me with a goldfish called Mary (named after Mary Ward of course). The girls were worried I might be lonely at school by myself when they were gone, and the fish was to keep me company – I can think of other gifts I would have preferred at this time, but I was grateful of the kindness Year 12 had shown. On a positive note, I am pleased to report that either I am a very good goldfish carer or Mary takes after her namesake and is pretty resilient, but in a true display of Loreto perseverance through adversity, Mary lives on. I have some thoughts around the life span of Mary in relation to the pandemic - she was given to me to mark the beginning so I have this idea that she might also mark the end, and whilst I have avoided taking this into my own hands, I can’t bring myself to hurt a defenceless little fish. Nevertheless, I will keep you updated on her progress; I think she is waning…


I am grateful that I have been afforded time by the College Board to take leave for the next four weeks – if I knew that three years ago was going to be the last time I saw my daughter, I might have been nicer to her – a message in that for all of us. As previously reported, she has also been busy during this time and had a baby daughter; I am so proud that another generation of women has been welcomed into my family. She is the most beautiful baby in the world – just saying.


With Easter and the school holidays upon us, it is important the girls use this time to refresh and renew. Downtime is just as important as activity, and it’s been another tough term with illness and isolation which has taken its toll. May you all feel the blessings of Easter and I look forward to seeing you on the other side of the term break.


Dr Nicole Archard
