School News

Canteen is Open!


The canteen will be open on Friday 8th April.


Could all lunch bags please have a clean out!


GRIP Conference


The GRIP Leadership Conference was a really fun excursion that we learned a lot from. The best thing I learned and came home with was STEP. The S in step stands for ‘serve others’. The T stands for ‘take initiative’, the E stands for ‘exemplify school values’ and the P stands for ‘purpose’.

- Ethan


On the 24th March, the Year 6 students went to a GRIP Leadership presentation. We would have to say it was the most interesting and educational presentation we’ve ever been to! We learnt how to improve our leadership skills and we learnt about what being a leader really means. After the presentation we felt so much more confident in ourselves and in our leadership abilities. GRIP was amazing!

- Kobe and Poppy


On Thursday 24th of March 2022, my class and I went to the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre for a GRIP conference. It was all about leadership. The purpose was to show people the good qualities of a leader, and to help us succeed. There we learnt how to try our best and to step up in the world to make it a better place.

- Gideon


Last week, all the Year 6s went on an excursion to the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre for the GRIP Leadership conference. We learnt what ‘STEP’ stands for in terms of Leadership:

S- serve others

T- take initiative

E- exemplify school values

P- purpose

After this we watched different movie clips and had to figure out whether the characters were serving others, taking initiative, exemplifying school values, or showing purpose. The whole day was focussed on leadership activities. It was an amazing day.

- Zahra


AHHH! All the kids yelled in the loud noise game. It was a great day at the Melbourne Exhibition and Convention centre. We learnt how to be a better leader, and to be more truthful. We learnt how to S.T.E.P it up. This means: Serving others, Take Initiative, Exemplify School Values, and Purpose. We learnt that leaders look for opportunities to do things better than they have ever done before. We also played lots of fun games to lean about leadership skills.

- Ella D, and Decoea