Principal's Report

Renee Cotterell

We're back!

It seems like a lifetime ago that we were last all here onsite together!   I am so proud of the way our staff and students have slipped straight back into the school routine and into their focus on learning.  We have worked hard to re-establish our school values and make our learning environment safe, supportive and productive.  The hum of voices and laughter is so wonderful to hear - we really have missed seeing all the smiling faces of our students here at school!

Cup Day reminder

Please remember that there is no school next Tuesday 3rd November due to the Cup Day public holiday. 

Re-re-rescheduled School Photos

Shine the shoes, book in for a hair trim and practise those toothy grins for our new school photo date - Friday 13th November 2020.  Please note that any payments made at the time of our postponed photos will automatically carry over to the new date - there is no need to place the order again!  We are hoping to distribute new forms shortly (as soon as we receive them!), however, photos can also be ordered directly through the SchoolPix website by searching for our school name and then your child's birthdate. 

Don't forget the hat!

While we understand that it has been a little difficult getting to the shops to make sure we have the correct uniform items (that still fit our fast-growing children!), we encourage all parents to have a chat with your child/ren about wearing our uniform with pride.  A reminder that hair colour should be 'natural' and jewellery should be minimal under our dress code regulations.  A SunSmart (broad-brimmed or legionnaire style) hat is mandatory for all students during term 1 and term 4.  Students without a hat will be directed to sit in an undercover area during break times.

Visitors to the school

Please help us remain a COVID-Safe School.  No parents/visitors should be on school grounds at any time.  The exception to this is one parent (wearing mask) per Prep child for pick up only.  The parent should only enter the school at bell time and should move through the pick-up area quickly, not stopping to have a chat!  If you need to speak to your child's class teacher for any reason, Compass is the preferred way of getting in contact. The school office can also help you with any general inquiry.  Masks are mandatory for any person 12+ years of age - students who have turned 12 MUST wear their masks on the way to and from school each day.

2021 Prep Enrolments

Do you or someone you know have a child beginning Prep in 2021?  Enrolment packs can be collected from the office and should be filled in immediately if your child is beginning school next year. If you have any questions about Prep enrolments (or enrolments in general), please contact the front office. 

Coughs? Sore throat? Fever?

Don't bring your germs to school!  If your child is unwell, please, please, please, keep them home!  It is more important than ever for students that are unwell to stay home.  Also please ensure your emergency contact details are current on Compass - it is a requirement that unwell children are collected as soon as possible from school.

Are you leaving us?

If you do not intend for your child to return to Pakenham Springs in 2021, please let us know as soon as possible.  We are in the middle of our workforce and class structure planning at the moment, and it is vital that we are working with the most accurate student numbers possible.  You do not need to notify us if your child is in Year 6 and graduating from PSPS this year.


I hope you are all settled back into your family school routine by now and are enjoying those small freedoms, as restrictions begin lifting.  Please make sure that you stay safe and healthy and look after your family. 


Have a great week!


Renee Cotterell

Principal (Acting)